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[lwip-users] Thread awareness

From: Micael
Subject: [lwip-users] Thread awareness
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 13:00:14 +0100 (CET)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.15

Hi Guys,

In my quest of mapping out/understanding the functionality and inner
workings of lwip, I have come to the 'thread awareness' part.

I understand the code are written to use and care about threads, at least
with the netconn and socket interface, but to what extent?

1. Can I, for instance, have multiple threads managing their own sockets?
i.e. can I do a http server as a thread, creating/using/closing while I
have another thread doing similar stuff on another port?

2. I guess that each socket in it self is not threadsafe; i.e. I cannot
create a listen thread, and another writing thread using the same socket.
( this would surprise me, but I thought I should ask ;-) )


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