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Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: newbie: Life after cvs-import

From: Ulf Ochsenfahrt
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: newbie: Life after cvs-import
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 10:57:06 +0100
User-agent: Icedove (X11/20061116)

Brian May wrote:
I tend to agree. Unless:

* You have to continue using CVS for some reason.

* You expect to frequently need access to old versions and don't want
to have to resort to using CVS for such cases.

You checkout the stable branch from cvs. You then add all the files into mtn and commit. Then you checkout the development branch from CVS (into the same directory!) add all changed files, drop all removed files, and commit into a development branch.

Then you got
* stable
| \
|  * development
|  |
|  | continue to work on development
|  .
| continue to work on stable

and at some later point
*  .
 \ |
   * can merge from stable into development

The second point might be significant if, for example, there is a
stable branch of the product in CVS and you don't want to keep using
CVS to maintain the stable branch.

I agree with your coworker as well. If the import didn't work, and you don't know it didn't, then the whole 1+ GB of archive may be essentially useless.

-- Ulf

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