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Re: [nmh-workers] Construction of outgoing from line

From: Robert Elz
Subject: Re: [nmh-workers] Construction of outgoing from line
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2019 09:29:31 +0700

    Date:        Fri, 15 Mar 2019 00:13:40 +0000
    From:        Ralph Corderoy <address@hidden>
    Message-ID:  <address@hidden>

  | And you don't wish nmh to pass the email to Postfix to get the same
  | consistent treatment?

I suspect the issue might be more that Mailx doesn't insist on inserting
its own From: field, whereas nmh (these days) does.   If the MTA is handed
a From: field already filled in, it leaves it alone, but if there is none
(and it believes it is in mail submission mode) it will fill one in, and
can be configured with which domain to put there.

All that said, most of my components files simply have

From: Robert Elz <address@hidden>

(literally that, no mh-format magic involved).   When I want to send
from a different user name (postmaster or hostmaster etc) I use a
different components file.   Similarly when I want to send from a
different domain.   And then when I want to send from an unusual addr
I simply edit the From: field in the draft while composing the message.

This all seems to work just fine (I also have an exmh menu button that
allows me to seclect which components file I want to use when I am
sending that way).


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