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Re: [Om-synth] how to compile from cvs?

From: Dragan Noveski
Subject: Re: [Om-synth] how to compile from cvs?
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 02:50:01 +0200
User-agent: Debian Thunderbird 1.0.2 (X11/20050331)

and one more question please, why in cvs i dont find the "module" smack, which i can get as tarball?


Dragan Noveski wrote:
hi to the list,
i just find out that om is a synth i want to get, so yesterday i compiled from source.
compiling om went very easy, but on the end i did not like the version at all (0.2.0), because it was crashing so often (the gtk-engine) and i needed about half of hour to get sound from an "audio in-filter-audio out" patch.
because i heard that cvs versions are runing much better i removed the source-version, wanting to try the cvs.
since i am newbee, for installing  cvs i need some more help.

i went to : page, opened a terminal typig:

cvs -z3 -d:pserver:address@hidden:/sources/om-synth co <modulename>

the names of the module, i got browsing the sources-repositories, 
there i found 4 modules: flowcanvas, om-synth,  omins and patchage, 
so i did the command above for each module separately.
now i have 4 directories with the module-names, but reading the readmes, there is always a speech about a standard compiling way (./configure, make, make install), but if i enter one of the directories, there is no configure file, so typing ./configure gives a error "file or directory not found".

so please, what is wrong here, did i got "wrong modules" with a "wrong command" or did i used wrong command to configure it?

the problem is that i never compiled any cvs-software myself, but i hope that some of you can give me a short (precisly please) instructions.

thnaks in advance and cheers,

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