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Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] need some help understanding what to do

From: Sigurd Nes
Subject: Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] need some help understanding what to do
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 18:23:43 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

Laurie D Kingsland wrote:

I am a self-taught programmer and am unaccustomed to working with others on 
programming projects but I am really looking forward to getting to do this with 
phpgroupware. I downloaded the version that I first came to when searching for 
a program that would let me coordinate projects and the efforts of the people 
working on them. I don't know how to try the version you suggested but would 
like to. I would be interested in helping to document the applications that are 
currently being offered in phpgroupware. It says this project is already 
started but I didn't see a way to get in touch with those doing it. I would 
also appreciate you time and attention in helping me to get this software to do 
what I want it to do and to become someone who can contribute to it.

I found the link to download your trunk and am doing so. Hope you will give me 
a hand in making it work.

I suspect you are on phpgroupware
This one is a bit old - and there has been a massive update to the application 'project' since then.

To give an idea of the updates - have a look at

The changes starts at $test[] = '';

Currently there is no maintainer of that application.

The next version - phpgroupware 0.9.18 - is not released - and is what you will find in trunk.



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