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System file reorganisation

From: Neil Hotmail
Subject: System file reorganisation
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 11:03:18 +0100

There are lots of little bits that need tweaking, I need to rewrite some of
the functions in system.cxx and in system_win32.cxx, but these can be done
at any time, this should be one of the largest changes to be committed.

I have deliberately not changed any of the code, even where it badly needs
changing, so as not to bundle subtle changes up with this.

system_posix.cxx goes in the folder src/posix/system_posix.cxx
system_win32.cxx goes in the folder src/win32/system_win32.cxx


Attachment: ginge.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: system_posix.cxx
Description: Text document

Attachment: system_win32.cxx
Description: Text document

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