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[QSOS-general] Problems with .qsos loading

From: Marc WESSNER
Subject: [QSOS-general] Problems with .qsos loading
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 13:48:20 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060719)


Thanks for this tools that seems to be exactly what I actually need.
I intend to evaluate the work flow tools dedicated to Biology and create a specific template. I have recently installed QSOS and O3S on a Linux machine using the CVS repository in order to test the application.


The PHP application works fine with the "etl" samples and I get a nice "view/Compare" page, even the "radar" graph.

But things get pretty bad when I try to load a ".qsos" file... I get this red error message when I try to load a copy of Kettle.qsos file...
(I copied it from CVS and the file is valid XML)

   "etl et ne correspondent pas." (on my machine)
   "etl and families don't match" (on the web:
   http://www.qsos.org/o3s/set_weighting.php )

I looked up the "qsosappfamily" element but it seems right ?!!!


Is there something I didn't understand or did wrong ??
Any clue would be welcome !

Best regards,


INRA - Domaine de Vilvert
Mathematique, Informatique et Genome
78350 Jouy-en-Josas

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