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[Savannah-hackers] Re: Plan for today

From: Mathieu Roy
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] Re: Plan for today
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 17:32:16 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1002 (Gnus v5.10.2) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

"Bradley M. Kuhn" <address@hidden> said:

> First, a few points:
> Chroot setup:
>   The Apache chroot is /savannah/
>   Under that is a directory called /savannah/cvsroot/.  Under that, each
>   project has its own chroot.
> We will need your help to adapt the savannah software to handle this.
> Very desperately, we need a copy of the Savannah source code that you all
> trust.  Could someone copy a .tar.gz of that up to /root on savannah, and
> let us know when you have?  We have heard that Matthieu has this.
> Matthieu, do you have it?

1) I trust the latest CVS. I worked during the whole month of the
compromise intensively with the CVS and I do not believe possible to
miss an unnoticed harsh change in the CVS:
     - I always check the diff for commits not made by myself
     - A file that I did not change myself would produce at least and
     "U" during a CVS update.

Also, if I remember well, Loic said that he checked and found nothing

2) What kind of adaptation do you think you would need? The savannah
software has been designed to enough generalistic to avoid beeing specific, as it was at first. No change reversing
that process should ever be commited to the CVS. If the current code
does not allow a required configuration, configurability of the
software should be changed, not the software itself.

The easier solution is to hack sv_groups so it looks only for one
group given as argument on the command line, to install it +
useradd,usermod in any cvs chroot.
Then, another script should call chrooted the sv_groups scripts
installed in each CVS. 
Obviously, it is not enough in the end, because it will not handle new
group creation. However, at this time, the priority is not handling
new group creation but making existing groups running.

(I insist on the fact that this kind of change must not be commited
on the Savannah CVS itself)

> FSF sysadmins are working on the following today:
>   * Finishing up the chroot items
>       - setting up passwd/group files for each chroot
>   * Auditing savannah shell scripts
>   * Working to use perlcc work for scripts in the chroots so we don't need
>     a full Perl install in each chroot.
>   * Get a Python install placed in /savannah/
>     Jim tried to get mod_python working so we didn't need a Python install
>     in the Apache chroot, but he was unsuccessful.  Thus, we'll need a
>     full Python install in /savannah/.

Why do you want python? For viewcvs? 

Mathieu Roy

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