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Re: [Swarm-Modelling] Literature on modeling concurrency

From: James Marshall
Subject: Re: [Swarm-Modelling] Literature on modeling concurrency
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 12:52:31 +0000
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  I have also referred people to an earlier paper on this topic...

Huberman, B. & Glance, N. (1993) Evolutionary games and computer simulations. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. U.S.A. 90, 16, pp. 7715-7718.

Curtis Smith wrote:
The following article may be useful.

Schonfisch, B., and A. de Roos. 1999. Synchronous and asynchronous updating in cellular automata. Biosystems. 51(3):123-143.

Steve Railsback wrote:

Does anyone know of useful, citable literature on the theory/concepts of scheduling concurrent events in simulation models?

Much of Swarm's guts is about specifying the order in which actions are executed, when the underlying assumption of time-step models is that all the actions occur concurrently each step. What are different ways to schedule concurrent events and what are their consequences? I want to know where I can send people to get smart on such problems.

I realize there are shelves-full of books on simulation, but the handful I have looked at do not seem to be helpful on this topic. (Some of them do not include the word "schedule" in their index.)



Modelling mailing list

Dr James A. R. Marshall
Department of Computer Science
University of Bristol

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