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Re: Building Swarm on Linux

From: Catherine Dibble
Subject: Re: Building Swarm on Linux
Date: Fri, 09 Aug 1996 22:45:35 -0700

Thanks John,

I would second that BLT-linking-to-Tcl/Tk hypothesis re troubles
with BLT on Linux.  Both BLT make and libtobjtcl make explode with
far more errors than I am willing to believe they contain.  I know
that I'm running both tk4.0 and tcl7.4, paths seem correct, etc, but...

For the record, I run RedHat Linux 3.0.3 on a 100MHz Gateway Pentium.
Swarm-0229 and Heatbugs have been running nicely even though BLT-1.9
never compiled.  Swarm-0513 and Heatbugs make smoothly, but running
Heatbugs dumps core almost immediately.


| Catherine Dibble         |                                            |
| Department of Geography  |   "Theory provides the maps that turn an   |
| University of California |    uncoordinated set of experiments or     |
| Santa Barbara, CA 93106  |    computer simulations into a cumulative  |
|                          |    exploration."                           |
|                          |                                            |
| address@hidden       |    -- Booker, Goldberg, Holland (1989)     |
| www.geog.ucsb.edu/~cath  |      _Artificial Intelligence_ 40:235-282  |

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