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I worked for days, and still no resolution, so...

From: bleydorf
Subject: I worked for days, and still no resolution, so...
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 16:56:31 -0400

I have an error, I've learned and used gdb and am closer to a solution,
but still can't nail it. I know theres been some complains about my
frequent asking of questions, so, I spent lots of time trying to figure
it out first, I've spent over 20 hours trying to find the error.

When I run the program in gdb, and do a backtrace, after it bombs (with
segmentation fault),
I get this as the "cause"

#0 0x807c1da objc_msg_lookup

#1 ????????? -[Problem checkForSolution] .... Problem.m 177.

(and 12 others which are internal to objc and/or swarm.)

Line 177 in Problem.m is :
foundStatus = [foundObject getStatusZZ];

I did a breakpoint on this line, where I set it up like this:
break 177 if foundStatus > 4   //4 being "full" the highest of possible
status value.

And it stops and each time I "print foundStatus" it is a number up to
This seems wrong to me, and I cant figure out why it get incremented up,
usually by around 60 to 200 each time.

Any ideas?


(All relevant methods, and the checkForSolution methods follow).

I had to name getStatusZZ that, since there is already a method internal
to the core libraries called "getStatus".
getStatusZZ is in both types of agents Problems, and solutions, it is:

-(StatusType) getStatusZZ {
   return status;

//this is a action in ProblemModel.m

[modelActions createActionForEach: problemList message:

//this is defined in Solution.h which is imported into Problem.h

deftype enum {free, owned, empty, partial, full} StatusType;

-checkForSolution {
  int indexX, indexY;              // used for loop processing.
  id foundObject;                // a pointer to object used to check
                                   // if consumer or solution.  
  StatusType foundStatus;          // status of the found object.
  int foundNumber;                 // varible to hold the currently
                                   // Solutions Assigned number.  

//if its status = full, then it doesnt need to run this method since its
has found its
//ideal solution.
  if (status != full) {

// checks the 9 cells near it, including the one its in.  I've tried to
//over its own cell, but the problem still exists.

    for (indexX = x - 1; indexX <= x + 1; indexX++) {
      for (indexY = y - 1; indexY <= y + 1; indexY++) {

//it assigns that object to a foundObject.

        foundObject = [world getObjectAtX: indexX Y: indexY];

//if its not nil, but either a problem or a solution, CAN IT BE ANYTHING

        if (foundObject != nil) {

//This is the problem line, its supposed to get the status from the 
// foundObject.

           foundStatus = [foundObject getStatusZZ];

//If its status is free (and thusly it is a solution).

           if (foundStatus == free) {

//it checks it assigned number.  each solution has a "assigned number",
while the //problems have an ideal number.  Both assigned randomly,
between a Min and Max.
            foundNumber = [foundObject getAssignedNumber];

//checks to see if its number is bigger than its current number but not
more than its //ideal number.

              if ((foundNumber > currentNumber) &&
                  (foundNumber <= idealNumber)) {

//if the problems current number is 0, then its empty and should attach
to this //solution.
                if (currentNumber == 0)

//see below for attach and detach.

                   [self attach: foundObject];
                else {
                   [self detach];
                   [self attach: foundObject];
  return self;

//oldSolution is a global varible which is a pointer to a solution

-attach: (Solution *) s {
   oldSolution = s;
   currentNumber = [s getAssignedNumber];
   [oldSolution setStatus: owned];
   if (currentNumber == idealNumber)
       [self setStatus: full];
       [self setStatus: partial];
   return self;

//fee the oldsolution, and change my status to empty.

-detach {
   [oldSolution setStatus: free];
   [self setStatus: empty];
   return self;

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