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Re: Distributed agents

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Distributed agents
Date: 21 Jun 1999 13:28:21 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.3.10

>>>>> "NG" == Natalie Guay <address@hidden> writes:

NG> Does someone knows if I can distribute agents on several
NG> computers and keep control on another one???

The Holy Grail for Swarm is to realize our `logical model of
concurrency' in a system integrated with popular thread and message
passing libraries.  The result of such a system would be that Swarms
could be transparently and efficiently (even automatically) migrated
across heterogenous computing resources.

Since a basic design objective of Swarm is to preserve the visibility
of all the fine-grained discrete event structure of a simulation, this
requires a lot of hacktivation energy to get done and get done right.

If your main objective is to explore a large parameter space using a
bunch of computers, you might investigate writing an executive
`experiment Swarm' and then use object serialization to move agents around.
While this is a significant amount of work, it might make sense if it
is otherwise infeasible to explore the space using a tool like Drone,
remote execution shell scripts, or just manual oversight
(e.g. throwing xterms and watching with `top').

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