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Re: java, Swarm, JDK1.2.2, Solaris 8 and static vs shared libraries

From: jones . peter
Subject: Re: java, Swarm, JDK1.2.2, Solaris 8 and static vs shared libraries
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 15:00:08 -0400 (EDT)

> Compilation of swarm-2001-08-10 fails (details below). I configured with:
> env EMACS=/software/emacs/emacs-20.6/bin/emacs ./configure 
> --with-defaultdir=/software/swarm/swarm-2.1.1/needed 
> --with-jdk=/software/java/jdk1.2.2 --with-xpmdir=/software/xpm/xpm-3.4k 
> --enable-shared --prefix=/software/swarm/swarm-2.1.1/swarm
> I am using SDGgcc-2.95.2 -- I didn't quite install this the way you asked 
> because I don't have root permissions any more :-( -- and I wanted to give 
> sysadmin the minimum and simplest possible instructions... However, I am 
> assuming from the fact that other swarm things compile OK that there is no 
> problem with my gcc installation...

The way I avoid having to have root permissions for installs is to have
the sysadmin set up the /usr/local directories as follows:
/usr/local/gcc3 writable only by user gccbuild
/usr/local/swarm writable only by user swarmbuild

Then, users gccbuild and swarmbuild can compile their respective software
independently. Installs can be done  without help from the sysadmin, but
coordination is required. I'd avoid installing gcc3 while a swarmbuild
compile is in progress, for example.

It's possible to divide the work among several people this way, or one
person wearing several hats. The multi-hat approach makes is easy to
avoid file name conflicts between software components.

When compiling gcc3 using its CVS archive to get a leading-edge version,
the make produces a message suggesting the -rpath switch to specify
run-time libraries. As these are in /usr/local/gcc3/lib, and not in
the standard system directories, I'm wondering if the Swarm configure
could have a parameter to specify the location of these libraries, in
a manner analogous to with-tklib, with-jdklib, etc. I believe this
would make it much easier for Swarm users to run their programs.

Peter Jones

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