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Using the Array type

From: Holger Perlt
Subject: Using the Array type
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2001 08:11:56 +0200


I try to modify the bug (ObserverBug) step by step.

(a) I introduce two independent species of bugs (Elben, Orks)
The Elben are put into the usual List. The Orks are defined
as elements of an Array - in order to have an easy access to
specific species.
The compilation goes through - at run time I get an
error message.
The main new codes are inside ModelSwarm.m:


(the 200 as setCount parameter is arbitrary - I wanted to be sure that
no index range error could occur!)

bugListOrks = [Array create:  [self getZone] setCount: 200];

  for(ii =0; ii < 20; ii++){
  for (y = worldYSize - 8; y < worldYSize + 8; y++)
    for (x = worldXSize - 8; x < worldXSize + 8; x++)
      if ([world getObjectAtX: x Y: y] == nil)
          aOrk = [Ork createBegin: self];
          [aOrk setWorld: world Food: food];
          aOrk = [aOrk createEnd];
          [world putValue: 3  atX: x Y: y];
          [aOrk setX: x Y: y];
          [aOrk setEat: 0 Y: 0];
          [bugListOrks atOffset : ii put: aOrk];

          [bugListOrks atOffset : ii put: nil];


modelActions = [ActionGroup create: self];
  [modelActions createActionForEach: bugListElben    message: M(stepp:)
: bugListOrks];
  [modelActions createActionForEach: bugListOrks    message: M(step)];

and in Elben.m:

(these lines have up to now no deep meaning)

- stepp : (id <Array>) OrkList
  int newX, newY;
  int tt;

  haveEaten = 0;

  newX = xPos + [uniformIntRand getIntegerWithMin: -2 withMax: 2];
  newY = yPos + [uniformIntRand getIntegerWithMin: -2 withMax: 2];

  newX = (newX + worldXSize) % worldXSize;
  newY = (newY + worldYSize) % worldYSize;

  if ([world getObjectAtX: newX Y: newY] == nil)
      [world putObject: nil atX: xPos Y: yPos];
      [world putValue: 0  atX: xPos Y: yPos];
      xPos = newX;
      yPos = newY;
      [world putObject: self atX: newX Y: newY];
      [world putValue: 2  atX: newX Y: newY];
        tt = [world getValueAtX: newX Y: newY];
        if (tt == 3){
                [world putValue: 1  atX: newX Y: newY]; 

  return self;

I think it is best to attach the code

Thank you,


PD Dr. habil. Holger Perlt
Reinforcement Control GmbH
Karl-Heine-Str. 99
04229 Leipzig
Phone:  ++49 (0)341 9410370
Fax:    ++49 (0)341 9410372

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