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Re: Swarm on MacOS X

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Swarm on MacOS X
Date: 15 Jan 2002 21:03:18 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.7

>>>>> "AC" == Andre Costa <address@hidden> writes:

AC> About a month or so ago there was some discussion regarding a
AC> port of Swarm to MacOS X. As a non-hacker, my impression is that
AC> there are still significant hurdles to using Swarm on MacOS X. Is
AC> this correct ?

My impression is that the few people that care are just waiting around
expecting someone else to get the rest of it working, even though the
main hurdle has been overcome (GCC).  I guess Mac OS X isn't useful
enough to me to motivate me to put my free time into it.  My G4 is way
slower than the Linux boxes I use, the Sun Blades have 64 bit support
that _works_, and Win XP has way more apps.  Love the pretty planet
screensaver though..  Still, things are at the point that it's doable by
someone with a bit of motivation.  Find a Tk that works, recompile the
avcall stuff to assembly, tweaking as needed, etc.  

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