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Re: ZMQ Message Debug

From: Ryan Volz
Subject: Re: ZMQ Message Debug
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2021 10:57:47 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/78.7.1

Hi Jay,

This does not directly address your ZMQ questions, but pertains to your 
software setup. Would being able to install ROS packages through conda be 


You could pair that with the GNU Radio packages available through conda-forge, 
and get GR 3.8 or 3.9:


Just wanted to throw that out there in case it helps, but I don't have any 
experience with ROS.


On 3/9/21 10:40 AM, Jay Patel wrote:
Hi Cinaed,

Thanks for your inputs. This is strange. I basically want to pipe the messages 
coming from the zmqPULL message to transmit in the air using using hardware.

And on the other side, want to decode that message and again push that message 
via zmqPUSH message to external application.

It managed this but unfortunately on the rx/decoder side it is writing some 
weird messages something *like string of “5B 5B 5B” multiple times.* May be i 
am not sampling correctly ? I’m still looking into the issue.

@Marcus: I’m sorry i know i should not use this older version but the entire 
system (multiple components) depends heavily on the Ubuntu 16.04, mostly due to 
ROS kinetics. I wish i have leverage to move to newer GNURadio.

Thanks for all your help.


On Mon, Mar 8, 2021 at 3:34 AM Cinaed Simson <cinaed.simson@gmail.com 
<mailto:cinaed.simson@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hi Jay - enclosed is the second part of your flow chart - it was easy to 
cut it out and paste in a separate flowgraph.

    I fed the flowgraph with a wave file instead of using the output from the 
first part.

    The message debug works.

    The only block with is blabbering is the Squelch. If you switch it between the "pass 
through"  and "enable" positions, you'll see the PDU debug messages in the time 
frequency plot.

    The problem may be in the first part of the flow graph.

    Otherwise, I have no idea what you're doing or why you're doing it.

    -- Cinaed

    On 3/7/21 12:06 PM, Jay Patel wrote:
    Hi all,

    I am sending messages from an external application via (ZMQ PUSH) and 
received those messages in the GNURadio via ZMQ Pull message source.

    From the ZMQ PULL side, I had correctly debugged the message coming from 
external applications.

    I want to basically transmit those messages. But in the receiver side after 
the Tagged stream to PDU ->  message debug block don't print anything. I put a 
QT Freq sink to check if the data is coming properly or not.

    Did I miss something? How can I properly debug the messages. I had attached 
my flow graph.

    Any suggestions are welcome.

    */With Regards,/*
    /Jay Patel/

*/With Regards,/*
/Jay Patel/
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