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Re: New 'back' backend

From: Pete French
Subject: Re: New 'back' backend
Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2002 00:05:42 +0100

> trying running with the argument   --GNU-Debug=BackendBundle

bash-2.05a$ ASRPView.app/ASRPView  --GNU-Debug=BackendBundle
Apr 05 00:03:32 ASRPView[9725] File NSApplication.m: 180. In 
initialize_gnustep_backend Looking for libgnustep-back.bundle
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

> It's possible that you may have previously set a default to use the xgps 
> backend, in which case you might need to do:
> defaults delete NSGlobalDomain GSBackend

I tried this as well, same results. If I do 'deafults read' I get:

bash-2.05a$ defaults read               
Gorm NSWindow Frame Inspector '379 552 272 451 0 0  1024 768 '
Gorm NSWindow Frame Palettes '566 668 272 297 0 0  1024 768 '
NSGlobalDomain Local Time Zone 'GB'
ProjectCenter NSWindow Frame Preferences '378 578 268 387 0 0  1024 768 '
vtest NSMenuLocations '{
    "\033" = "0 768 74 43 0 0  1024 768 ";

So I think I am clear of any corruption there. I am assuming this should
work out of the box with a straight './configure' ?


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