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Re: Proposal question.

From: Jeff Teunissen
Subject: Re: Proposal question.
Date: Wed, 08 May 2002 23:48:37 -0400

Martin Brecher wrote:
> On Wed, 08 May 2002 15:46:12 -0400, Tim Harrison wrote:
> >Pascal Bourguignon wrote:
> >
> >> Note that GWorkspace.app,  like WorkspaceManager.app honor the .hidden
> >> files and merely putting "Library"  and "Tools" in the .hidden file of
> >> $HOME is  enough to have  it hidden (under GWorkspace).   Unix experts
> >> set  their "unix  expert"  option  in the  preferences  to ignore  the
> >> .hidden files and to show all the interesting items.
> >
> >If I understand your intention, this would tend to support putting
> >Library and Tools directly into the Users domain (ie.
> >/Users/harrison/Library and /Users/harrison/Tools).  If the user wished
> >to see them, they could set the UNIX Expert option.
> Why not stay with having everything GNUstep-related in ~/GNUstep? and
> if wished symlinking the folders to ~ and putting 'GNUstep' into the
> .hidden file. This has the advantage of keeping the GNUstep stuff
> together in one place (I dislike having seperate folders for every app
> in my home dir) while making it easily available using the symlinks.
> Also this way, you would have no problems with Window Maker
> creating/requireing a new GNUstep folder.

I do not have a ~/GNUstep directory, and I have Window Maker installed. Window
Maker, at least on Debian systems, uses $GNUSTEP_USER_ROOT if it is set.

I have:

~/Defaults (should be hidden, I believe)
~/Services (ditto)

I got this by setting my ~/.GNUsteprc to:


| Jeff Teunissen  -=-  Pres., Dusk To Dawn Computing  -=-  deek @ d2dc.net
| GPG: 1024D/9840105A   7102 808A 7733 C2F3 097B  161B 9222 DAB8 9840 105A
| Core developer, The QuakeForge Project        http://www.quakeforge.net/
| Specializing in Debian GNU/Linux              http://www.d2dc.net/~deek/

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