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Re: Renaissance: initStarndardStaticNameTable question

From: Chris Hanson
Subject: Re: Renaissance: initStarndardStaticNameTable question
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2003 11:26:02 -0600

On Nov 7, 2003, at 4:09 AM, Nicola Pero wrote:
shouldn't it?  After all, initStandardStaticNameTable is always going
to run after the NSApplication class is loaded;

You implicitly assume that ... you are using gnustep-gui. :-)

Actually, no, I don't. I haven't even built GNUstep proper on a Linux box since 1998 or 1999. I'm strictly Mac OS X and have been for a while now.

I thought I had a comment in the code explaining this - I'll extend it.

Thanks.  I just want to get rid of the compiler warning.

  -- Chris

Chris Hanson, bDistributed.com, Inc.  |  Email: cmh@bDistributed.com
Outsourcing Vendor Evaluation         |  Phone: +1-847-372-3955
Custom Mac OS X Development           |  Fax:   +1-847-589-3738
http://bdistributed.com/              |  Personal Email: cmh@mac.com

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