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Re: Project Center inspiration sshots

From: Björn Giesler
Subject: Re: Project Center inspiration sshots
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2005 14:08:40 +0100


Am 03.01.2005 um 13:43 schrieb Philippe C.D. Robert:
UML based development exists already for some time, see for example Rational Rose.

I'm aware that Rose exists, but have never worked with it. Colleagues have told me that it's quite suboptimal.

As the name implies, PC should IMHO be the tool which glues together all steps of a development project. Hence PC shouldn't become a specialised tool itself, but it should seamlessly integrate such tools into the development process if needed! Right now there is just Gorm as an example, but other such tools could be a good visual debugger, a profiler, a class browser or an UML tool of course.

Yes, I totally agree. I don't suggest this for PC proper, although Stefan did with his screenshots. I think it's a workable paradigm for a development component ("editor"?), though, which could be available from ProjectCenter. Is there an interface definition for external tools to interact with ProjectCenter? If not, I think there should be :-)

Björn Giesler. UI Fascist, Mac Zealot, Gadget Freak.
Mail: bjoern@giesler.de - Web: http://giesler.de
Key: http://giesler.biz/bjoern/downloads/bg.asc
We must never take these words too seriously. Words are very important, but then if we take them too seriously, we destory everything.

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