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Re: Windows and GnuStep

From: Stephan Eggermont
Subject: Re: Windows and GnuStep
Date: 03 Feb 2006 16:18:00 GMT
User-agent: tin/1.7.8-20050321 ("Hellisay") (UNIX) (FreeBSD/5.4-RELEASE (i386))

Markus Hitter <mah@jump-ing.de> wrote:
> Am 01.02.2006 um 16:48 schrieb Andy Satori:
> > I suspect that it's the norm, because as with most thing Open  
> > Source, Windows users are deemed to be clueless gits that aren't  
> > worth the time nor effort.
> No idea wether Windows users are more clueless than the average, but  
> Windows users are obviously rare in the open source world and Windows  
> adds some extra trouble by it's design. This holds true for GNUstep  
> as well.

I would have to disagree here. There are more windows projects on
sourceforge than BSD and posix projects. Windows open source developers
are not rare at all. 


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