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Re: How to get a running GNUstep desktop ?

From: Quentin Mathé
Subject: Re: How to get a running GNUstep desktop ?
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 09:27:27 +0200


Le 16 mai 08 à 01:37, Rubens_Septimus a écrit :

I had a GNUstep running a few weeks with Wmaker, GWorkspace and so on, all from deb packages from Ubunutu Hardy, but with buggy printing. Well, GC explained to me that Ubuntu packages were out of date. I was told to make it all by myself from source, so I did it again with gnustep-startup and all went well and pretty good at this moment. I used 'sudo -E make install' to
finish this gnustep install : oK.

But things now begin complicated for my poor knowledge :

If I try also to build from Etoile svn, the OgreKit can't build :
/home/patrick/Technique/Construction_GNUstep/Etoile/Etoile/ Frameworks/OgreKit/OgreKit/OGRegularExpression.h:109:
erreur: expected specifier-qualifier-list before «regex_t»
In file included from NSString_OgreKitAdditions.m:15:
/home/patrick/Technique/Construction_GNUstep/Etoile/Etoile/ Frameworks/OgreKit/OgreKit/OGRegularExpressionMatch.h:33:
erreur: expected specifier-qualifier-list before «OnigRegion»
make[5]: *** [obj/NSString_OgreKitAdditions.o] Erreur 1
make[4]: *** [RegularExpression.all.subproject.variables] Erreur 2
make[4]: quittant le répertoire «
/home/patrick/Technique/Construction_GNUstep/Etoile/Etoile/ Frameworks/OgreKit/Source/RegularExpression
make[3]: *** [Source.all.subproject.variables] Erreur 2
make[3]: quittant le répertoire «
/home/patrick/Technique/Construction_GNUstep/Etoile/Etoile/ Frameworks/OgreKit/Source
make[2]: *** [OgreKit.all.framework.variables] Erreur 2
make[2]: quittant le répertoire «
/home/patrick/Technique/Construction_GNUstep/Etoile/Etoile/ Frameworks/OgreKit
make[1]: *** [internal-all] Erreur 2

Did you install libonig and libonig-dev packages or compile oniguruma 5 (from trunk/Dependencies/oniguruma)? I installed Etoile on Ubuntu Hardy one week ago and everything went fine except some minor dependency changes (see trunk/Etoile/ INSTALL.Ubuntu for a list of the packages to install).

Well, it seems I can't build anything from svn or source until now... What else ? I can't choose to revert to a running desktop without printing. Is
FreeBSD more up to to date and more easy to get running ?

FreeBSD seems to have a well maintained collection of GNUstep and Etoile ports, but I never tried to use them. The GNUstep ports are based on the stable versions of GNUstep which suffer from the printing issue I think and also aren't compatible with Etoile. However I got told you can install unstable versions of GNUstep by defining WITH_GNUSTEP_DEVEL.

I wonder what all
the GNUstep dev use : maybe OS X ? I'm very confused...

I personally use Ubuntu as some GNUstep/Etoile devs do.


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