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Re: General question about GNUStep

From: Simeon Mitev
Subject: Re: General question about GNUStep
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 10:12:28 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20090812)

Of course, I meant native hyper threading support :)

Nice Nicola,

Thank you for the good presentation!

I have got answers for some of my questions. What I am still interested in is multi threading support in objC compiler and runtime. While the server application will run on unix with 2 quad core processors I will definitively need to use multi threading to get a real benefit from the hardware. In C++ I can use also openMP (http://openmp.org/wp/) in example. Thoughts ?

It looks like I will go back to C++ or Java for the server,

Why? Objective-C is much better than either... it's a very good server solution (C++ is too inflexible and Java is slow/clumsy).

Yes! :-)


you can check my "Building server applications using Objective-C and GNUstep" Fosdem 2009 presentation on


if you're interested in a quick summary overview. If you're starting from scratch, and are using Objective-C on the client anyway, it's really worth for you to consider writing your server in Objective-C too - even if they talk to each other using a custom, language-independent protocol. ;-)

Anyway, whatever you choose to do, good luck with your project. :-)


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