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Re: Weep fo GNUstep

From: Gregory Casamento
Subject: Re: Weep fo GNUstep
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2011 13:47:29 -0400

It really doesn't effect us unless we want it to.  Like any other feature, if someone wants something, they will implement it.   That doesn't necessarily mean you need to use it.

I don't see any value in a phone like interface for GNUstep unless we are, indeed, operating on a phone.  So, it shouldn't effect us at all.   While we do follow the Cocoa APIs we don't follow them blindly, nor are we limited only to them.   The same goes for the interface.


On Mar 21, 2011, at 4:43 AM, Riccardo Mottola wrote:


I weep for GNUstep, it could have been great but it continues to degenerate into a steaming pile of uselessness trying to emulate all of the worst features of OS X and Gnome.  I have given up on it again and am using OS X which it is so ugly that I cringe every time I look at the screen and it is going to get even worse with Lion as Apple dumbs it down even more to look like a telephone interface.

This post cries for trolling, however since I very much agree that Apple is dumbing down Mac to be like an iPhone in every detail of its interface and that it lost its consistency and ease of use years ago and goes worse and worse with each release done since 10.3, I wonder how this affects GNUstep.

I use GNUstep daily. While we surely add APIs coming from Cocoa, we are very careful in changing the interface and the user experience.

I run GWorkspace, Terminal and several end-user applications and their appearance changed little, new features try to blend in.

So if you want your *rant* to be just somewhat constructive, please detail.



GWorkspace maintainer, GAP developer

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Gregory Casamento - GNUstep Lead/Principal Consultant, OLC, Inc.
yahoo/skype: greg_casamento, aol: gjcasa
(240)274-9630 (Cell)

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