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Re: Thank you all, Steppers

From: Sungjin Chun
Subject: Re: Thank you all, Steppers
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2015 07:32:53 +0900

I, one of the users of great software supported by great people, cannot resist to add
another appreciation to everybody in this list, especially to developers.

Thank you.

Sungjin Chun
Sent with Sparrow

On Wednesday, January 7, 2015 at 01:51, Gregory Casamento wrote:

Here, here!

Thanks to any and all who participate in GNUstep. I've spent a large
portion of my life as a member of this project and I can only say it
has always been a labor of love. I consider myself privileged to work
with people such as all of you. Though we may not always agree it
cannot be said that we don't all share a common goal.


On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 7:37 AM, Ivan Vučica <ivan@vucica.net> wrote:
I'm joining in the sentiment. Thanks to all!

On Tue Jan 06 2015 at 1:59:43 PM Riccardo Mottola


with the beginning of the new year, I wanted just to say thank you to
everybody who works on GNUstep. Everybody who uses it, develops it, uses
it, reports bug, writes on the mailing list, helps new users to solve
and use problems contributes keeping this project alive! From Gregory,
to our maintainers down to the new user asking a newbie question.

We often write only about problems here on the list and we thus see only
the negative parts of GNUstep, because we rarely write about what works

People know me perhaps for posting here only about strange problems
difficult to solve, to reproduce and on strange platforms, but again I
thank those who help fixing (by patching or helping me fix) the problems
I expose! Every new feature, new fixed bug in the frameworks as well as
the applications helps the GNUstep!

I hope that this year will see a continued effort in bug fixing, in new
Applications and missing features!

Thus thanks again ad I hope we continue to have the privilege to work
together! Actually, I hope new will come!


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Gregory Casamento
GNUstep Lead Developer / OLC, Principal Consultant
http://www.gnustep.org - http://heronsperch.blogspot.com

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