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Re: a c++11 wrapper for gnustep libraries

From: Riccardo Mottola
Subject: Re: a c++11 wrapper for gnustep libraries
Date: Mon, 31 May 2021 20:23:49 +0200
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On 27/05/2021 09:42, أسامة مخزوم wrote:
once i write the wrapper, i will consider making GNUSTEP Ui more
attractive to widget-toolkit backend developers so they can target
GNUStep more easily, thank nikolaus for the purposal.

as other write, I think you are down the wrong path. You could think as GNUstep and wxWidgets actually being similar (grossly said). wx has a core library  and a interface which target different "tookits" like windows, mac and X11. GNUstep does exactly the same thing.

On X11 things are slightly different, since wx uses GTK or Motif (did, at least), but with some work i bet it could use directly a lower level. GNUstep does that.

So you could offer "objective-c" support for wx... and offer the gnustep base library, for wx. But GUI and BACK would make no sense.

Viceversa, it makes no sense for GNUstep to target WX, since it is already highly portable at all levels. At most, you could write a specific native "wxWidgets" theme to make applications blend well. However, since GNUstep can have a native GTK theme (there is an unmaintained one) and wxWidgets on X11 goes perferrably on GTK... what sense would it make to wrap GTK over wx for GNUstep? The only gain I would see would consistency over different platforms, but I guess at expense of features, bugs and performance.

Just my 2 cents of course.


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