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Re: [Duplicity-talk] PASSPHRASE, the environment, memory, etc.

From: Neal Clark
Subject: Re: [Duplicity-talk] PASSPHRASE, the environment, memory, etc.
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 16:52:54 -0700

Hash: SHA1

On Apr 12, 2007, at 4:25 PM, Charles Duffy wrote:

Fishing a passphrase out of an environment variable on Linux is dirt simple -- it exists in cleartext as /proc/<pid>/environ. You don't want to use /tmp either; /dev/shm would be slightly better, but not much at all.

Thanks, never knew that. Do you know how this works on FreeBSD (w/o procfs)?

Frankly, protecting a system from an attacker with full hardware access is a losing game -- but I'd think you'd want to keep the password on the system being backed up, rather than anywhere else. After all, you keep the data itself there; if it's not secure enough to store your key, it's not secure enough to store the data either, and you should move.

Well, its not that its not secure enough. They can't login to the machine, obviously, and all the sensitive data is on a geli encrypted partition, so if the machine were powered off or the hard drive were moved, the data isn't coming back without a geom metadata backup, kept nicely tucked away.

By spreading sensitive knowledge across more systems (both the machine being backed up and the separate machine which stores the key used for encrypting the backups), you're increasing your overall exposure as well as adding more moving parts (and thus failure cases).

I guess I could just keep the passphrase on the encrypted disk to solve (or at least in some way address) the physical access vector, but I was curious more about how the password 'hangs around' in the environment and in duplicity itself. Like for example, could I automate a way to fudge the environment duplicity executes in, like perhaps in the python code, delete the environment variable after its been read into the program? And also, is there anything I can do to 'secure' or what have you the fact that the passphrase is in memory?

Thanks for the reply :)


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