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[PATCH, RFC] Macros expansion changes, robust symbol macros, and constan

From: Daniel Colascione
Subject: [PATCH, RFC] Macros expansion changes, robust symbol macros, and constant propagation
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 09:33:27 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130801 Thunderbird/17.0.8

Below, you'll find a patch that:

 - removes Fmacroexpand and implements macroexpand-1 and macroexpand in lisp

 - adds a facility for telling macroexpand-all not to re-expand macros
   (effectively, providing for a variable macro expansion order)

 - adds a facility for adding arbitrary hooks to the macro environment
   (instead of having to bind fset)

 - re-implements symbol-macros using this new facility

   * no more problems with EQ symbol names

   * shadowable and non-shadowable (let becomes letf) varieties

   * lexical-binding code defaults to shadowable; dynamic code,

   * macros expanded only once, so no need to rename symbols

 - adds symbol-macros to the core, in macroexp

 - adds variable-capture analysis to macroexp

 - changes cl-defsubst so that it works like regular defsubst

 - fixes various cl-lib bugs using the new macrexp features and symbol-macros

 - makes the generic variable support expand one macro at a time

 - adds new byte-optimize code for `let' and `let*' that uses
   symbol-macros to perform constant propagation

 - adds tests for much of the above

Please take a look.  The change needs a bit of polish, but it works
for me.

=== modified file 'lisp/emacs-lisp/byte-opt.el'
--- lisp/emacs-lisp/byte-opt.el 2013-09-05 03:46:34 +0000
+++ lisp/emacs-lisp/byte-opt.el 2013-09-17 14:10:48 +0000
@@ -1095,12 +1095,48 @@

 (put 'let 'byte-optimizer 'byte-optimize-letX)
 (put 'let* 'byte-optimizer 'byte-optimize-letX)
+(defun byte-optimize-do-constant-propagation (let-form)
+  (let* ((bindings (cadr let-form))
+         (body (cddr let-form))
+         (const-bindings)
+         (nonconst-bindings))
+    ;; Split bindings into const, nonconst sets.  We'll collapse
+    ;; redundant nonconst bindings in the `symbol-macrolet'.
+    (let ((bc bindings))
+      (while bc
+        (let* ((binding (pop bc))
+               (var (or (car-safe binding) binding))
+               (val (and (consp binding) (cadr binding))))
+          (cond ((and (not (special-variable-p var))
+                      (macroexp-const-p val))
+                 (push (list var val) const-bindings))
+                ((and (eq (car let-form) 'let*)
+                      const-bindings
+                      nonconst-bindings)
+                 ;; Handle the rest of the let* forms as a child;
+                 ;; we'll combine the nested let*s later.
+                 (setq body `((let* (,binding ,@bc) ,@body)))
+                 (setq bc nil))
+                (t (push binding nonconst-bindings))))))
+    (if (not const-bindings)
+        form
+      `(,(car let-form)
+        ,nonconst-bindings
+        ,@(macroexp-unprogn
+           (macroexpand-all
+            `(symbol-macrolet-shadowable
+                 ,(nreverse const-bindings)
+               ,@body)))))))
 (defun byte-optimize-letX (form)
   (cond ((null (nth 1 form))
         ;; No bindings
         (cons 'progn (cdr (cdr form))))
        ((or (nth 2 form) (nthcdr 3 form))
-        form)
+         (if lexical-binding
+             (byte-optimize-do-constant-propagation form)
+           form))
         ;; The body is nil
        ((eq (car form) 'let)
         (append '(progn) (mapcar 'car-safe (mapcar 'cdr-safe (nth 1 form)))
@@ -1219,7 +1255,7 @@
         window-left-child window-left-column window-margins window-minibuffer-p
         window-next-buffers window-next-sibling window-new-normal
         window-new-total window-normal-size window-parameter window-parameters
-        window-parent window-pixel-edges window-point window-prev-buffers
+        window-parent window-pixel-edges window-point window-prev-buffers
         window-prev-sibling window-redisplay-end-trigger window-scroll-bars
         window-start window-text-height window-top-child window-top-line
         window-total-height window-total-width window-use-time window-vscroll

=== modified file 'lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-macs.el'
--- lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-macs.el  2013-08-29 03:49:10 +0000
+++ lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-macs.el  2013-09-17 16:12:47 +0000
@@ -139,22 +139,14 @@

 (defun cl--expr-contains (x y)
   "Count number of times X refers to Y.  Return nil for 0 times."
-  ;; FIXME: This is naive, and it will cl-count Y as referred twice in
-  ;; (let ((Y 1)) Y) even though it should be 0.  Also it is often called on
-  ;; non-macroexpanded code, so it may also miss some occurrences that would
-  ;; only appear in the expanded code.
-  (cond ((equal y x) 1)
-       ((and (consp x) (not (memq (car x) '(quote function cl-function))))
-        (let ((sum 0))
-          (while (consp x)
-            (setq sum (+ sum (or (cl--expr-contains (pop x) y) 0))))
-          (setq sum (+ sum (or (cl--expr-contains x y) 0)))
-          (and (> sum 0) sum)))
-       (t nil)))
+  (let ((info (assq y (macroexp-analyze-free-variables x))))
+    (and info (max 1 (cl-fourth info)))))

 (defun cl--expr-contains-any (x y)
-  (while (and y (not (cl--expr-contains x (car y)))) (pop y))
-  y)
+  "Does X contain any variable in Y?"
+  (cl-loop for (v . _) in (macroexp-analyze-free-variables x)
+           if (memq v y)
+           return t))

 (defun cl--expr-depends-p (x y)
   "Check whether X may depend on any of the symbols in Y."
@@ -864,7 +856,7 @@
              (setq body (list (cl--loop-let lets body nil))))))
        (if cl--loop-symbol-macs
            (setq body
-                  (list `(cl-symbol-macrolet ,cl--loop-symbol-macs ,@body))))
+                  (list `(symbol-macrolet ,cl--loop-symbol-macs ,@body))))
        `(cl-block ,cl--loop-name ,@body)))))

 ;; Below is a complete spec for cl-loop, in several parts that correspond
@@ -1056,10 +1048,7 @@
       (let ((loop-for-bindings nil) (loop-for-sets nil) (loop-for-steps nil)
            (ands nil))
-           ;; Use `cl-gensym' rather than `make-symbol'.  It's important that
-           ;; (not (eq (symbol-name var1) (symbol-name var2))) because
-           ;; these vars get added to the macro-environment.
-           (let ((var (or (pop cl--loop-args) (cl-gensym "--cl-var--"))))
+           (let ((var (or (pop cl--loop-args) (make-symbol "--cl-var--"))))
              (setq word (pop cl--loop-args))
              (if (eq word 'being) (setq word (pop cl--loop-args)))
              (if (memq word '(the each)) (setq word (pop cl--loop-args)))
@@ -1446,11 +1435,12 @@
        (if (eq word 'unless) (setq then (prog1 else (setq else then))))
        (let ((form (cons (if simple (cons 'progn (nth 1 then)) (nth 2 then))
                          (if simple (nth 1 else) (list (nth 2 else))))))
-         (if (cl--expr-contains form 'it)
+         (if (cl--expr-contains (macroexp-progn form) 'it)
              (let ((temp (make-symbol "--cl-var--")))
                (push (list temp) cl--loop-bindings)
                (setq form `(if (setq ,temp ,cond)
-                                ,@(cl-subst temp 'it form))))
+                                (symbol-macrolet-shadowable ((it ,temp))
+                                  ,@form))))
            (setq form `(if ,cond ,@form)))
          (push (if simple `(progn ,form t) form) cl--loop-body))))

@@ -1814,8 +1804,6 @@
                      (if (assq 'function newenv) newenv
                        (cons (cons 'function #'cl--labels-convert) newenv)))))

-;; The following ought to have a better definition for use with newer
-;; byte compilers.
 (defmacro cl-macrolet (bindings &rest body)
   "Make temporary macro definitions.
@@ -1837,118 +1825,7 @@
                          (cons (cons name `(lambda ,@(cdr res)))

-(defconst cl--old-macroexpand
-  (if (and (boundp 'cl--old-macroexpand)
-           (eq (symbol-function 'macroexpand)
-               #'cl--sm-macroexpand))
-      cl--old-macroexpand
-    (symbol-function 'macroexpand)))
-(defun cl--sm-macroexpand (exp &optional env)
-  "Special macro expander used inside `cl-symbol-macrolet'.
-This function replaces `macroexpand' during macro expansion
-of `cl-symbol-macrolet', and does the same thing as `macroexpand'
-except that it additionally expands symbol macros."
-  (let ((macroexpand-all-environment env))
-    (while
-        (progn
-          (setq exp (funcall cl--old-macroexpand exp env))
-          (pcase exp
-            ((pred symbolp)
-             ;; Perform symbol-macro expansion.
-             (when (cdr (assq (symbol-name exp) env))
-               (setq exp (cadr (assq (symbol-name exp) env)))))
-            (`(setq . ,_)
-             ;; Convert setq to setf if required by symbol-macro expansion.
-             (let* ((args (mapcar (lambda (f) (cl--sm-macroexpand f env))
-                                  (cdr exp)))
-                    (p args))
-               (while (and p (symbolp (car p))) (setq p (cddr p)))
-               (if p (setq exp (cons 'setf args))
-                 (setq exp (cons 'setq args))
-                 ;; Don't loop further.
-                 nil)))
-            (`(,(or `let `let*) . ,(or `(,bindings . ,body) dontcare))
-             ;; CL's symbol-macrolet treats re-bindings as candidates for
-             ;; expansion (turning the let into a letf if needed), contrary to
-             ;; Common-Lisp where such re-bindings hide the symbol-macro.
-             (let ((letf nil) (found nil) (nbs ()))
-               (dolist (binding bindings)
-                 (let* ((var (if (symbolp binding) binding (car binding)))
-                        (sm (assq (symbol-name var) env)))
-                   (push (if (not (cdr sm))
-                             binding
-                           (let ((nexp (cadr sm)))
-                             (setq found t)
-                             (unless (symbolp nexp) (setq letf t))
-                             (cons nexp (cdr-safe binding))))
-                         nbs)))
-               (when found
-                 (setq exp `(,(if letf
-                                  (if (eq (car exp) 'let) 'cl-letf 'cl-letf*)
-                                (car exp))
-                             ,(nreverse nbs)
-                             ,@body)))))
-            ;; FIXME: The behavior of CL made sense in a dynamically scoped
-            ;; language, but for lexical scoping, Common-Lisp's behavior might
-            ;; make more sense (and indeed, CL behaves like Common-Lisp w.r.t
-            ;; lexical-let), so maybe we should adjust the behavior based on
-            ;; the use of lexical-binding.
-            ;; (`(,(or `let `let*) . ,(or `(,bindings . ,body) dontcare))
-            ;;  (let ((nbs ()) (found nil))
-            ;;    (dolist (binding bindings)
-            ;;      (let* ((var (if (symbolp binding) binding (car binding)))
-            ;;             (name (symbol-name var))
-            ;;             (val (and found (consp binding) (eq 'let* (car exp))
-            ;;                       (list (macroexpand-all (cadr binding)
-            ;;                                              env)))))
-            ;;        (push (if (assq name env)
-            ;;                  ;; This binding should hide its symbol-macro,
-            ;;                  ;; but given the way macroexpand-all works, we
-            ;;                  ;; can't prevent application of `env' to the
-            ;;                  ;; sub-expressions, so we need to α-rename this
-            ;;                  ;; variable instead.
-            ;;                  (let ((nvar (make-symbol
-            ;;                               (copy-sequence name))))
-            ;;                    (setq found t)
-            ;;                    (push (list name nvar) env)
-            ;;                    (cons nvar (or val (cdr-safe binding))))
-            ;;                (if val (cons var val) binding))
-            ;;              nbs)))
-            ;;    (when found
-            ;;      (setq exp `(,(car exp)
-            ;;                  ,(nreverse nbs)
-            ;;                  ,@(macroexp-unprogn
-            ;;                     (macroexpand-all (macroexp-progn body)
-            ;;                                      env)))))
-            ;;    nil))
-            )))
-    exp))
-(defmacro cl-symbol-macrolet (bindings &rest body)
-  "Make symbol macro definitions.
-Within the body FORMs, references to the variable NAME will be replaced
-by EXPANSION, and (setq NAME ...) will act like (setf EXPANSION ...).
-\(fn ((NAME EXPANSION) ...) FORM...)"
-  (declare (indent 1) (debug ((&rest (symbol sexp)) cl-declarations body)))
-  (cond
-   ((cdr bindings)
-    `(cl-symbol-macrolet (,(car bindings))
-       (cl-symbol-macrolet ,(cdr bindings) ,@body)))
-   ((null bindings) (macroexp-progn body))
-   (t
-    (let ((previous-macroexpand (symbol-function 'macroexpand)))
-      (unwind-protect
-          (progn
-            (fset 'macroexpand #'cl--sm-macroexpand)
-            ;; FIXME: For N bindings, this will traverse `body' N times!
-            (macroexpand-all (cons 'progn body)
-                             (cons (list (symbol-name (caar bindings))
-                                         (cl-cadar bindings))
-                                   macroexpand-all-environment)))
-        (fset 'macroexpand previous-macroexpand))))))
+(defalias 'cl-symbol-macrolet 'symbol-macrolet)

 ;;; Multiple values.

@@ -2153,85 +2030,8 @@
        (macroexp-let* `((,temp ,getter))
                        `(progn ,(funcall setter form) nil))))))

-;; FIXME: `letf' is unsatisfactory because it does not really "restore" the
-;; previous state.  If the getter/setter loses information, that info is
-;; not recovered.
-(defun cl--letf (bindings simplebinds binds body)
-  ;; It's not quite clear what the semantics of cl-letf should be.
-  ;; E.g. in (cl-letf ((PLACE1 VAL1) (PLACE2 VAL2)) BODY), while it's clear
-  ;; that the actual assignments ("bindings") should only happen after
-  ;; evaluating VAL1 and VAL2, it's not clear when the sub-expressions of
-  ;; PLACE1 and PLACE2 should be evaluated.  Should we have
-  ;;    PLACE1; VAL1; PLACE2; VAL2; bind1; bind2
-  ;; or
-  ;;    VAL1; VAL2; PLACE1; PLACE2; bind1; bind2
-  ;; or
-  ;;    VAL1; VAL2; PLACE1; bind1; PLACE2; bind2
-  ;; Common-Lisp's `psetf' does the first, so we'll do the same.
-  (if (null bindings)
-      (if (and (null binds) (null simplebinds)) (macroexp-progn body)
-        `(let* (,@(mapcar (lambda (x)
-                            (pcase-let ((`(,vold ,getter ,_setter ,_vnew) x))
-                              (list vold getter)))
-                          binds)
-                ,@simplebinds)
-           (unwind-protect
-               ,(macroexp-progn
-                 (append
-                  (delq nil
-                        (mapcar (lambda (x)
-                                  (pcase x
-                                    ;; If there's no vnew, do nothing.
-                                    (`(,_vold ,_getter ,setter ,vnew)
-                                     (funcall setter vnew))))
-                                binds))
-                  body))
-             ,@(mapcar (lambda (x)
-                         (pcase-let ((`(,vold ,_getter ,setter ,_vnew) x))
-                           (funcall setter vold)))
-                       binds))))
-    (let ((binding (car bindings)))
-      (gv-letplace (getter setter) (car binding)
-        (macroexp-let2 nil vnew (cadr binding)
-          (if (symbolp (car binding))
-              ;; Special-case for simple variables.
-              (cl--letf (cdr bindings)
-                        (cons `(,getter ,(if (cdr binding) vnew getter))
-                              simplebinds)
-                        binds body)
-            (cl--letf (cdr bindings) simplebinds
-                      (cons `(,(make-symbol "old") ,getter ,setter
-                              ,@(if (cdr binding) (list vnew)))
-                            binds)
-                      body)))))))
-(defmacro cl-letf (bindings &rest body)
-  "Temporarily bind to PLACEs.
-This is the analogue of `let', but with generalized variables (in the
-sense of `setf') for the PLACEs.  Each PLACE is set to the corresponding
-VALUE, then the BODY forms are executed.  On exit, either normally or
-because of a `throw' or error, the PLACEs are set back to their original
-values.  Note that this macro is *not* available in Common Lisp.
-As a special case, if `(PLACE)' is used instead of `(PLACE VALUE)',
-the PLACE is not modified before executing BODY.
-\(fn ((PLACE VALUE) ...) BODY...)"
-  (declare (indent 1) (debug ((&rest (gate gv-place &optional form)) body)))
-  (if (and (not (cdr bindings)) (cdar bindings) (symbolp (caar bindings)))
-      `(let ,bindings ,@body)
-    (cl--letf bindings () () body)))
-(defmacro cl-letf* (bindings &rest body)
-  "Temporarily bind to PLACEs.
-Like `cl-letf' but where the bindings are performed one at a time,
-rather than all at the end (i.e. like `let*' rather than like `let')."
-  (declare (indent 1) (debug cl-letf))
-  (dolist (binding (reverse bindings))
-    (setq body (list `(cl-letf (,binding) ,@body))))
-  (macroexp-progn body))
+(defalias 'cl-letf 'letf)
+(defalias 'cl-letf* 'letf*)

 (defmacro cl-callf (func place &rest args)
@@ -2264,6 +2064,28 @@
 ;;; Structures.

+(defun cl--struct-setf-expander (x name accessor pred-form pos)
+  (let* ((temp (make-symbol "--cl-x--")) (store (make-symbol "--cl-store--")))
+    (list (list temp) (list x) (list store)
+         `(progn
+             ,@(and pred-form
+                    (list `(or ,(cl-subst temp 'cl-x pred-form)
+                               (error ,(format
+                                        "%s storing a non-%s"
+                                        accessor name)))))
+             ,(if (eq (car (get name 'cl-struct-type)) 'vector)
+                  `(aset ,temp ,pos ,store)
+                `(setcar
+                  ,(if (<= pos 5)
+                       (let ((xx temp))
+                         (while (>= (setq pos (1- pos)) 0)
+                           (setq xx `(cdr ,xx)))
+                         xx)
+                     `(nthcdr ,pos ,temp))
+                  ,store)))
+         (list accessor temp))))
 (defmacro cl-defstruct (struct &rest descs)
   "Define a struct type.
 This macro defines a new data type called NAME that stores data
@@ -2448,24 +2270,20 @@
                            (lambda (_cl-do _cl-x)
                              (error "%s is a read-only slot" ',accessor)))
-                ;; For normal slots, we don't need to define a setf-expander,
-                ;; since gv-get can use the compiler macro to get the
-                ;; same result.
-                ;; (push `(gv-define-setter ,accessor (cl-val cl-x)
-                ;;          ;; If cl is loaded only for compilation,
-                ;;          ;; the call to cl--struct-setf-expander would
-                ;;          ;; cause a warning because it may not be
-                ;;          ;; defined at run time.  Suppress that warning.
-                ;;          (progn
-                ;;            (declare-function
-                ;;             cl--struct-setf-expander "cl-macs"
-                ;;             (x name accessor pred-form pos))
-                ;;            (cl--struct-setf-expander
-                ;;             cl-val cl-x ',name ',accessor
-                ;;             ,(and pred-check `',pred-check)
-                ;;             ,pos)))
-                ;;       forms)
-                )
+                (push `(define-setf-expander ,accessor (cl-x)
+                         ;; If cl is loaded only for compilation,
+                         ;; the call to cl--struct-setf-expander would
+                         ;; cause a warning because it may not be
+                         ;; defined at run time.  Suppress that warning.
+                         (progn
+                           (declare-function
+                            cl--struct-setf-expander "cl-macs"
+                            (x name accessor pred-form pos))
+                           (cl--struct-setf-expander
+                            cl-x ',name ',accessor
+                            ,(and pred-check `',pred-check)
+                            ,pos)))
+                      forms))
              (if print-auto
                  (nconc print-func
                         (list `(princ ,(format " %s" slot) cl-s)
@@ -2679,11 +2497,10 @@
          (cl-body (macroexpand-all      ;Performs compiler-macro expansions.
                    (cons 'progn (cddr cl-form))
-    ;; FIXME: To avoid re-applying macroexpand-all, we'd like to be able
-    ;; to indicate that this return value is already fully expanded.
-    (if (cdr cl-entry)
-        `(catch ,(nth 1 cl-form) ,@(cdr cl-body))
-      cl-body)))
+    (list macroexpand-already-expanded
+          (if (cdr cl-entry)
+              `(catch ,(nth 1 cl-form) ,@(cdr cl-body))
+            cl-body))))

 (cl-define-compiler-macro cl--block-throw (cl-tag cl-value)
   (let ((cl-found (assq (nth 1 cl-tag) cl--active-block-names)))
@@ -2691,37 +2508,22 @@
   `(throw ,cl-tag ,cl-value))

 (defmacro cl-defsubst (name args &rest body)
-  "Define NAME as a function.
-Like `defun', except the function is automatically declared `inline' and
-the arguments are immutable.
-ARGLIST allows full Common Lisp conventions, and BODY is implicitly
-surrounded by (cl-block NAME ...).
-The function's arguments should be treated as immutable.
+  "Define NAME as an inline function.
+Like `defsubst', except that ARGLIST allows full Common Lisp
+conventions, and BODY is implicitly surrounded
+by (cl-block NAME ...).

   (declare (debug cl-defun) (indent 2))
-  (let* ((argns (cl--arglist-args args)) (p argns)
-        (pbody (cons 'progn body)))
-    (while (and p (eq (cl--expr-contains args (car p)) 1)) (pop p))
-    `(progn
-       ,(if p nil   ; give up if defaults refer to earlier args
-          `(cl-define-compiler-macro ,name
-             ,(if (memq '&key args)
-                  `(&whole cl-whole &cl-quote ,@args)
-                (cons '&cl-quote args))
-             (cl--defsubst-expand
-              ',argns '(cl-block ,name ,@body)
-              ;; We used to pass `simple' as
-              ;; (not (or unsafe (cl-expr-access-order pbody argns)))
-              ;; But this is much too simplistic since it
-              ;; does not pay attention to the argvs (and
-              ;; cl-expr-access-order itself is also too naive).
-              nil
-              ,(and (memq '&key args) 'cl-whole) nil ,@argns)))
-       (cl-defun ,name ,args ,@body))))
+  (let* ((res (cl--transform-lambda (cons args body) name))
+        (form `(defsubst ,name ,@(cdr res))))
+    (if (car res) `(progn ,(car res) ,form) form)))

-(defun cl--defsubst-expand (argns body simple whole _unsafe &rest argvs)
+(defun cl--defsubst-expand (argns body simple whole unsafe &rest argvs)
+  ;; This function is obsolete and is kept only for compatibility with
+  ;; old byte-compiled files that provide substs to inline.
   (if (and whole (not (cl--safe-expr-p (cons 'progn argvs)))) whole
     (if (cl--simple-exprs-p argvs) (setq simple t))
     (let* ((substs ())
@@ -2729,14 +2531,12 @@
                        (cl-mapcar (lambda (argn argv)
                                     (if (or simple (macroexp-const-p argv))
                                         (progn (push (cons argn argv) substs)
-                                               nil)
+                                               (and unsafe (list argn argv)))
                                       (list argn argv)))
                                   argns argvs))))
-      ;; FIXME: `sublis/subst' will happily substitute the symbol
-      ;; `argn' in places where it's not used as a reference
-      ;; to a variable.
-      ;; FIXME: `sublis/subst' will happily copy `argv' to a different
-      ;; scope, leading to name capture.
+      ;; The use of `cl-sublis' and `cl-subst' is incredibly unsafe,
+      ;; but since we don't use `cl--defsubst-expand' for new code,
+      ;; let's leave it be.
       (setq body (cond ((null substs) body)
                        ((null (cdr substs))
                         (cl-subst (cdar substs) (caar substs) body))

=== modified file 'lisp/emacs-lisp/cl.el'
--- lisp/emacs-lisp/cl.el       2013-01-30 08:07:37 +0000
+++ lisp/emacs-lisp/cl.el       2013-09-17 16:25:48 +0000
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
                           (macroexpand-all f macroexpand-all-environment))
                         (cddr f))))
       (if (and cl-closure-vars
-               (cl--expr-contains-any body cl-closure-vars))
+               (cl--expr-contains-any (macroexp-progn body) cl-closure-vars))
           (let* ((new (mapcar 'cl-gensym cl-closure-vars))
                  (sub (cl-pairlis cl-closure-vars new)) (decls nil))
             (while (or (stringp (car body))
@@ -697,27 +697,9 @@

 ;; Used in the expansion of the old `defstruct'.
-(defun cl-struct-setf-expander (x name accessor pred-form pos)
-  (declare (obsolete nil "24.3"))
-  (let* ((temp (make-symbol "--cl-x--")) (store (make-symbol "--cl-store--")))
-    (list (list temp) (list x) (list store)
-         `(progn
-             ,@(and pred-form
-                    (list `(or ,(cl-subst temp 'cl-x pred-form)
-                               (error ,(format
-                                        "%s storing a non-%s"
-                                        accessor name)))))
-             ,(if (eq (car (get name 'cl-struct-type)) 'vector)
-                  `(aset ,temp ,pos ,store)
-                `(setcar
-                  ,(if (<= pos 5)
-                       (let ((xx temp))
-                         (while (>= (setq pos (1- pos)) 0)
-                           (setq xx `(cdr ,xx)))
-                         xx)
-                     `(nthcdr ,pos ,temp))
-                  ,store)))
-         (list accessor temp))))
+  'cl-struct-setf-expander
+  'cl--struct-setf-expander "24.3")

 (provide 'cl)

=== modified file 'lisp/emacs-lisp/gv.el'
--- lisp/emacs-lisp/gv.el       2013-09-04 20:03:52 +0000
+++ lisp/emacs-lisp/gv.el       2013-09-17 11:24:04 +0000
@@ -250,6 +250,82 @@
       (while args (push `(setf ,(pop args) ,(pop args)) sets))
       (cons 'progn (nreverse sets)))))

+(defun gv--letf (bindings simplebinds binds body)
+  ;; It's not quite clear what the semantics of letf should be.
+  ;; E.g. in (letf ((PLACE1 VAL1) (PLACE2 VAL2)) BODY), while it's clear
+  ;; that the actual assignments ("bindings") should only happen after
+  ;; evaluating VAL1 and VAL2, it's not clear when the sub-expressions of
+  ;; PLACE1 and PLACE2 should be evaluated.  Should we have
+  ;;    PLACE1; VAL1; PLACE2; VAL2; bind1; bind2
+  ;; or
+  ;;    VAL1; VAL2; PLACE1; PLACE2; bind1; bind2
+  ;; or
+  ;;    VAL1; VAL2; PLACE1; bind1; PLACE2; bind2
+  ;; Common-Lisp's `psetf' does the first, so we'll do the same.
+  (if (null bindings)
+      (if (and (null binds) (null simplebinds)) (macroexp-progn body)
+        `(let* (,@(mapcar (lambda (x)
+                            (pcase-let ((`(,vold ,getter ,_setter ,_vnew) x))
+                              (list vold getter)))
+                          binds)
+                ,@simplebinds)
+           (unwind-protect
+               ,(macroexp-progn
+                 (append
+                  (delq nil
+                        (mapcar (lambda (x)
+                                  (pcase x
+                                    ;; If there's no vnew, do nothing.
+                                    (`(,_vold ,_getter ,setter ,vnew)
+                                     (funcall setter vnew))))
+                                binds))
+                  body))
+             ,@(mapcar (lambda (x)
+                         (pcase-let ((`(,vold ,_getter ,setter ,_vnew) x))
+                           (funcall setter vold)))
+                       binds))))
+    (let ((binding (car bindings)))
+      (gv-letplace (getter setter) (car binding)
+        (macroexp-let2 nil vnew (cadr binding)
+          (if (symbolp (car binding))
+              ;; Special-case for simple variables.
+              (gv--letf (cdr bindings)
+                        (cons `(,getter ,(if (cdr binding) vnew getter))
+                              simplebinds)
+                        binds body)
+            (gv--letf (cdr bindings) simplebinds
+                      (cons `(,(make-symbol "old") ,getter ,setter
+                              ,@(if (cdr binding) (list vnew)))
+                            binds)
+                      body)))))))
+(defmacro letf (bindings &rest body)
+  "Temporarily bind to PLACEs.
+This is the analogue of `let', but with generalized variables (in the
+sense of `setf') for the PLACEs.  Each PLACE is set to the corresponding
+VALUE, then the BODY forms are executed.  On exit, either normally or
+because of a `throw' or error, the PLACEs are set back to their original
+values.  Note that this macro is *not* available in Common Lisp.
+As a special case, if `(PLACE)' is used instead of `(PLACE VALUE)',
+the PLACE is not modified before executing BODY.
+\(fn ((PLACE VALUE) ...) BODY...)"
+  (declare (indent 1) (debug ((&rest (gate gv-place &optional form)) body)))
+  (if (and (not (cdr bindings)) (cdar bindings) (symbolp (caar bindings)))
+      `(let ,bindings ,@body)
+    (gv--letf bindings () () body)))
+(defmacro letf* (bindings &rest body)
+  "Temporarily bind to PLACEs.
+Like `letf' but where the bindings are performed one at a time,
+rather than all at the end (i.e. like `let*' rather than like `let')."
+  (declare (indent 1) (debug letf))
+  (dolist (binding (reverse bindings))
+    (setq body (list `(letf (,binding) ,@body))))
+  (macroexp-progn body))
 ;; (defmacro gv-pushnew! (val place)
 ;;   "Like `gv-push!' but only adds VAL if it's not yet in PLACE.
 ;; Presence is checked with `member'.

=== modified file 'lisp/emacs-lisp/macroexp.el'
--- lisp/emacs-lisp/macroexp.el 2013-06-05 02:35:40 +0000
+++ lisp/emacs-lisp/macroexp.el 2013-09-17 13:37:45 +0000
@@ -119,7 +119,6 @@
   (member '(declare-function . byte-compile-macroexpand-declare-function)

 (defun macroexp--warn-and-return (msg form)
   (let ((when-compiled (lambda () (byte-compile-log-warning msg t))))
@@ -144,6 +143,11 @@
                   (instead (format "; use `%s' instead." instead))
                   (t ".")))))

+(defvar XXX-debug-macroexp nil)
+(defmacro macroexp-debug (&rest forms)
+  `(when XXX-debug-macroexp
+     (funcall 'debug ,@forms)))
 (defun macroexp--expand-all (form)
   "Expand all macros in FORM.
 This is an internal version of `macroexpand-all'.
@@ -157,7 +161,7 @@
     ;; Normal form; get its expansion, and then expand arguments.
     (let ((new-form
-           (macroexpand form macroexpand-all-environment)))
+           (macroexpand form macroexpand-all-environment t)))
       (setq form
             (if (and (not (eq form new-form)) ;It was a macro call.
                      (car-safe form)
@@ -175,6 +179,8 @@
     (pcase form
+      (`(,(pred (eq macroexpand-already-expanded)) ,expanded-form)
+       expanded-form)
       (`(cond . ,clauses)
        (macroexp--cons 'cond (macroexp--all-clauses clauses) form))
       (`(condition-case . ,(or `(,err ,body . ,handlers) dontcare))
@@ -367,6 +373,346 @@
   "Return non-nil if EXP can be copied without extra cost."
   (or (symbolp exp) (macroexp-const-p exp)))

+(defun macroexp--merge-analysis (a1 a2)
+  "Merge two `macroexp-analyze-free-variables' forms.
+Returns the merged analysis.  This operation is non-destructive."
+  (let (new)
+    (dolist (i1 a1)
+      (let ((i2 (assq (car i1) a2)))
+        (push
+         (if (null i2) i1
+           (list
+            ;; VAR
+            (progn (pop i1) (pop i2))
+            ;; MUTATED
+            (let ((m2 (pop i2)))
+              (or (pop i1) m2))
+            ;; USED-UNDER
+            (delete-dups (append (pop i1) (copy-sequence (pop i2))))
+            ;; TIMES-EAD
+            (+ (pop i1) (pop i2))))
+         new)))
+    (dolist (i2 a2)
+      (unless (assq (car i2) new)
+        (push i2 new)))
+    new))
+(defsubst macroexp-arglist-args (arglist)
+  "Return args bound by ARGLIST."
+  (remq '&optional (remq '&rest arglist)))
+(defun macroexp-analyze-free-variables (exp &optional bound)
+  "Analyze EXP's use of free variables.
+Return ANALYSIS. ANALYSIS is an alist (VAR . INFO), where each
+VAR is an unbound variable to which EXP refers.  INFO is a
+indicating whther VAR was changed.  USED-UNDER is a set (list) of
+variables bound by EXP at some point VAR was referenced or set.
+TIMES-READ is a count of the number of times VAR was evaluated.
+BOUND is used internally.
+EXP should already be macroexpanded."
+  (pcase exp
+    ((pred symbolp)
+     (if (or (keywordp exp)
+             (memq exp '(nil t))
+             (memq exp bound))
+         nil
+       `((,exp nil ,bound 1))))
+    (`(setq . ,args)
+     (let (info)
+       (while args
+         (let* ((var (pop args))
+                (val (pop args)))
+           (unless (memq var bound)
+             (setq info (macroexp--merge-analysis
+                         info
+                         `((,var t ,bound 0)))))
+           (setq info (macroexp--merge-analysis
+                       info
+                       (macroexp-analyze-free-variables
+                        val bound)))))
+       info))
+    (`(,(or `let `let*) ,bindings . ,body)
+     (let ((is-* (eq (car exp) 'let*))
+           (orig-bound bound)
+           (info nil))
+       (dolist (binding bindings)
+         (let ((var (or (car-safe binding) binding))
+               (val (car (cdr-safe binding))))
+           (setq info
+                 (macroexp--merge-analysis
+                       info
+                       (macroexp-analyze-free-variables
+                        val
+                        (if is-* bound orig-bound))))
+           (push var bound)))
+       (macroexp--merge-analysis
+        info
+        (macroexp-analyze-free-variables
+         (macroexp-progn body)
+         bound))))
+    (`(function (,(or `lambda `closure)  . ,_))
+     (macroexp-analyze-free-variables
+         (cadr exp) bound))
+    (`(,(or `quote `function) . ,_) nil)
+    (`(lambda ,arglist . ,body)
+     (macroexp-analyze-free-variables
+         (macroexp-progn body)
+         (append (macroexp-arglist-args arglist) bound)))
+    (`(closure ,cells ,arglist . ,body)
+     (dolist (cell cells)
+       (when (consp cell)
+         (push (car cell) bound)))
+     (macroexp-analyze-free-variables
+         (macroexp-progn body)
+         (append (macroexp-arglist-args arglist) bound)))
+    (`(condition-case ,var ,body . ,handlers)
+     (let ((info (macroexp-analyze-free-variables body bound)))
+       (when var (push var bound))
+       (dolist (handler handlers info)
+         (setq info
+               (macroexp--merge-analysis
+                info
+                (macroexp-analyze-free-variables
+                 (macroexp-progn (cdr handler))
+                 bound))))))
+    (`(interactive . ,_) nil)
+    (`(,_ . ,body)
+     (let (info)
+       (dolist (form body info)
+         (setq info
+               (macroexp--merge-analysis
+                info
+                (macroexp-analyze-free-variables
+                 form
+                 bound))))))))
+;;; symbol-macros
+(defconst macroexp--sm-environment-tag
+  (if (boundp 'macroexp--sm-environment-tag)
+      (symbol-value 'macroexp--sm-environment-tag)
+    (make-symbol "--macroexp--sm-environment-tag--"))
+  "Special uninterned symbol used in macro environments to signal
+the presence of a symbol macro binding.  A full symbol macro
+binding element is of the form (macroexp--sm-environment-tag VAR
+BINDING KIND), where KIND is 'symbol-macrolet-shadowable,
+'symbol-macrolet-non-shadowable, to indicate showable and
+non-shadowable bindings.  If a binding is instead
+just (macroexp--sm-environment-tag VAR), the binding indicates
+the lack of a symbol macro binding and shadows any binding lower
+in the environment stack.")
+(defun macroexp--memq-car-and-cadr (key1 key2 alist)
+  "Find items (KEY1 KEY2 ...) in ALIST.
+Return the cons cell the car of which is that element."
+  (while (and (setq alist (memq-car key1 alist))
+              (not (eq (cadr (car alist)) key2))
+              (setq alist (cdr alist))))
+  alist)
+(defun macroexp--sm-assoc (var env)
+  "Find symbol macro binding for VAR in ENV.
+If VAR not in the environment, or if VAR is shadowed, return nil.
+Otherwise return a list (VALUE SHADOWABLE-FLAG)."
+  ;; Search for binding
+  (setq env (macroexp--memq-car-and-cadr
+             macroexp--sm-environment-tag var env))
+  ;; If it's a shadow binding, return nil instead.
+  (setq env (cdr (cdr (car env))))
+  (and (cadr env) env))
+(defun macroexp--sm-macroexpand-1 (exp &optional env)
+  "Special macro expander used inside `symbol-macrolet'.
+This function replaces `macroexpand-1' during macro expansion of
+`symbol-macrolet' and does the same thing as `macroexpand-1',
+except that it additionally expands symbol macros."
+  (pcase exp
+    ((pred symbolp)
+     ;; Perform symbol-macro expansion.
+     (pcase (macroexp--sm-assoc exp env)
+       (`(,binding . ,_) binding)
+       (_ exp)))
+    (`(setq . ,args)
+     ;; Convert setq to setf if required by symbol-macro expansion.
+     (let (complex p)
+       (setf p args)
+       (while (and p (not complex))
+         (when (macroexp--sm-assoc (car p) env)
+           (setq complex t))
+         (setq p (cddr p)))
+       (if complex
+           (let ((parts))
+             (setf p args)
+             (while p
+               (setq parts
+                     (list* (let ((sm (macroexp--sm-assoc (car p) env)))
+                              (if sm (car sm) (car p)))
+                            (cadr p)
+                            parts))
+               (setq p (cddr p)))
+             `(setf ,@parts))
+         exp)))
+    (`(,(or `let `let*) ,bindings . ,body)
+     ;; Process various kinds of shadowing and non-shadowing lets.
+     (let* ((letform (car exp))
+            (is-* (eq letform 'let*))
+            (is-any-lex nil)
+            (is-any-non-shadowable nil))
+       (dolist (binding bindings)
+         (let* ((var (or (car-safe binding) binding))
+                (sm (macroexp--sm-assoc var env)))
+           (when sm (setq is-any-lex t))
+           (when (eq (cadr sm) 'symbol-macrolet-non-shadowable)
+             (setq is-any-non-shadowable t))))
+       (cond ((not is-any-lex) exp)
+             ((and (not is-any-non-shadowable))
+              (let ((orig-env env) (new-bindings nil))
+                (dolist (binding bindings)
+                  (let* ((var (or (car-safe binding) binding))
+                         (newvalue
+                          (and (consp binding)
+                               (cadr binding)
+                               (macroexpand-all (cadr binding)
+                                                (if is-* env orig-env)))))
+                    ;; Collect new binding
+                    (push (list var newvalue) new-bindings)
+                    ;; Add shadow to macro environment
+                    (when (macroexp--sm-assoc var env)
+                      (push (list macroexp--sm-environment-tag var) env))))
+                (list macroexpand-already-expanded
+                      (list letform
+                            (nreverse new-bindings)
+                            (macroexpand-all (macroexp-progn body) env)))))
+             ((and is-* (cdr bindings))
+              (list letform
+                    (list (car bindings))
+                    (append (list letform (cdr bindings)) body)))
+             ((not (cdr bindings))
+              (let* ((binding (car bindings))
+                     (var (or (car-safe binding) binding))
+                     (value (car (cdr-safe binding)))
+                     (sm (macroexp--sm-assoc var env)))
+                `(letf ((,(car sm) ,value))
+                   ,@body)))
+             (t
+              (list macroexpand-already-expanded
+                    (macroexpand-all
+                     (gv--letf bindings nil nil body)
+                     env))))))
+    (`(lambda ,arglist . ,_)
+     ;; Lambda arguments always shadow symbol macros
+     (let* ((orig-env env))
+       (dolist (aname (macroexp-arglist-args arglist))
+         (when (macroexp--sm-assoc aname env)     ; Add shadow if s-m
+           (push (list macroexp--sm-environment-tag aname) env)))
+       (if (eq orig-env env)
+           exp
+         (list macroexpand-already-expanded
+               (macroexpand-all exp env)))))
+    (`(condition-case ,var ,bodyform . ,handlers)
+     ;; Condition-case always shadows symbol macros, but only in
+     ;; condition handler forms.
+     (if (null var)
+         exp
+       (list macroexpand-already-expanded
+             `(condition-case ,var
+                  ,(macroexpand-all bodyform env)
+                ,@(let (new-handlers)
+                    (push (list macroexp--sm-environment-tag var) env)
+                    (dolist (handler handlers new-handlers)
+                      (push (cons (car handler)
+                                  (macroexp-unprogn
+                                   (macroexpand-all
+                                    (macroexp-progn (cdr handler))
+                                    env)))
+                            new-handlers)))))))
+    (`(function (lambda . ,_))
+     ;; macroexpand-all has special logic to detect lambda in function
+     ;; position, so we need a special case here too.
+     (let* ((old-lambda (cadr exp))
+            (new-lambda (macroexp--sm-macroexpand-1 (cadr exp) env)))
+       (when (eq (car-safe new-lambda) macroexpand-already-expanded)
+         (setq new-lambda (cadr new-lambda)))
+       (if (eq old-lambda new-lambda)
+           exp
+         (list macroexpand-already-expanded new-lambda))))
+    (_ exp)))
+(defun macroexp--symbol-macrolet-full (kind bindings body)
+  (if (not bindings)
+      body
+    (let ((env macroexpand-all-environment))
+      ;; Add the symbol-macrolet expander to env if it's not
+      ;; already there.
+      (unless (macroexp--memq-car-and-cadr
+               macroexpand-environment-hook-tag
+               'macroexp--sm-macroexpand-1
+               env)
+        (push (list macroexpand-environment-hook-tag
+                    'macroexp--sm-macroexpand-1)
+              env))
+      ;; Add the actual bindings.
+      (dolist (binding bindings)
+        (push (list macroexp--sm-environment-tag
+                    (car binding)
+                    (cadr binding)
+                    kind)
+              env))
+      ;; Expand.
+      (list macroexpand-already-expanded
+            (macroexpand-all (cons 'progn body) env)))))
+(defmacro symbol-macrolet (bindings &rest body)
+  "Make symbol macro definitions.
+Within the body FORMs, references to the variable NAME will be
+replaced by EXPANSION, and (setq NAME ...) will act like (setf
+EXPANSION ...).  Additionally, if `lexical-binding' is
+nil, (let ((NAME ...))  ...) becomes (letf ((BINDING ...)) ...).
+If `lexical-binding' is non-nil, `let'-bindings shadow symbol
+macros, as in Common Lisp --- `symbol-macrolet' behaves as
+`symbol-macrolet-shadowable'.  Otherwise, `symbol-macrolet'
+behaves like `symbol-macrolet-non-shadowable'.  In all cases,
+`lambda' parameters and `condition-case' var parameter shadow
+symbol macros.
+For explicit control over `let'-shadowing, see
+`symbol-macrolet-shadowable' and
+`symbol-macrolet-non-shadowable'.  Any combination of
+lexical-binding, symbol-macrolet-shadowable, and
+symbol-macrolet-non-shadowable works; `lexical-binding' just
+controls the default.
+\(fn ((NAME EXPANSION) ...) FORM...)"
+  (declare (indent 1) (debug ((&rest (symbol sexp)) declarations body)))
+  (macroexp--symbol-macrolet-full (if lexical-binding
+                                      'symbol-macrolet-shadowable
+                                    'symbol-macrolet-non-shadowable)
+                                  bindings body))
+(defmacro symbol-macrolet-non-shadowable (bindings &rest body)
+  "Like `symbol-macrolet', but with unconditional non-shadowing.
+\(fn ((NAME EXPANSION) ...) FORM...)"
+  (declare (indent 1) (debug ((&rest (symbol sexp)) declarations body)))
+  (macroexp--symbol-macrolet-full
+   'symbol-macrolet-non-shadowable bindings body))
+(defmacro symbol-macrolet-shadowable (bindings &rest body)
+  "Like `symbol-macrolet', but `let' always shadows.
+\(fn ((NAME EXPANSION) ...) FORM...)"
+  (declare (indent 1) (debug ((&rest (symbol sexp)) declarations body)))
+  (macroexp--symbol-macrolet-full
+   'symbol-macrolet-shadowable bindings body))
 ;;; Load-time macro-expansion.

 ;; Because macro-expansion used to be more lazy, eager macro-expansion

=== modified file 'lisp/font-lock.el'
--- lisp/font-lock.el   2013-06-21 06:37:44 +0000
+++ lisp/font-lock.el   2013-09-17 11:21:26 +0000
@@ -2309,7 +2309,10 @@
                 "restart-bind" "restart-case" "in-package"
                 "break" "ignore-errors"
                 "loop" "do" "do*" "dotimes" "dolist" "the" "locally"
-                "proclaim" "declaim" "declare" "symbol-macrolet" "letf"
+                "proclaim" "declaim" "declare" "symbol-macrolet"
+                 "symbol-macrolet-shadowable"
+                 "symbol-macrolet-non-shadowable"
+                 "letf"
                 "lexical-let" "lexical-let*" "flet" "labels" "compiler-let"
                 "destructuring-bind" "macrolet" "tagbody" "block" "go"
                 "multiple-value-bind" "multiple-value-prog1"

=== modified file 'lisp/subr.el'
--- lisp/subr.el        2013-09-12 06:37:02 +0000
+++ lisp/subr.el        2013-09-17 07:05:45 +0000
@@ -344,6 +344,165 @@
   (and (consp object)
        (eq (car object) 'frame-configuration)))
+(defconst macroexpand-already-expanded
+  (if (boundp 'macroexpand-already-expanded)
+      (symbol-value 'macroexpand-already-expanded)
+    (make-symbol "--macroexpand-already-expanded--"))
+"Special uninterned symbol used to indicate that `macroexpand-1'
+is returning an already-expanded form and that further expansion
+is discouraged.  For the sake of compatibility, `macroexpand-1'
+and `macroexpand' only return this value when called with the
+special EXTENDED parameter.
+Macros may always return (list macroexpand-already-expanded
+EXPANDED-FORM): `macroexpand-1' and `macroexpand' will strip the
+special macroexpand-already-expanded prefix unless callers
+specifically ask for it to be returned, and
+macroexpand-already-expanded has a function definition that makes
+it invisible to the interpreter.")
+;; Allow macros to return a macroexpand-already-expanded cons and
+;; execute properly during interpretation.
+(fset macroexpand-already-expanded 'identity)
+(defconst macroexpand-environment-hook-tag
+  (if (boundp 'macroexpand-environment-hook-tag)
+      (symbol-value 'macroexpand-environment-hook-tag)
+    (make-symbol "--macroexpand-environment-hook-tag--"))
+  "Special uninterned symbol used in macro environments to signal
+the macro expander to call one or more hook functions after
+normal macro expansion.  If an entry of the
+form (macroexpand-environment-hook-tag HOOKFUNC) appears in the
+environment, HOOKFUNC is added to the set of functions called to
+implement `macroexpand-1-default'.  These functions are called in
+the reverse of the order in which they appear in the environment,
+with `macroexpand-1-default' being implicitly the last entry on
+the list (and therefore the first to be called).
+Each function on the list is called with two arguments: first,
+the form to be expanded, and second, the top of the macro
+environment.  The first value returned not EQ to the input is the
+value `macroexpand-1' returns." )
+;; It may seem odd to macro expansion hooks in the macro environment
+;; instead of dynamically-binding a hypothetical
+;; macroexpand-1-functions variable.  The reason we do it this way is
+;; so that we can expand macros from outside the dynamic extent of a
+;; form that introduces a macro expansion hook --- e.g.,
+;; `cl-symbol-macrolet'.  In the current implementation, the macro
+;; environment encapsulates the _entire_ state of the macro expansion
+;; system.
+;; We can store other state in the environment as well: all that's
+;; required for compatibility with naive users of the macro
+;; environment is to ensure that no car of any cons in the macro
+;; environment refers to a form we might try to expand.  That's why
+;; all the macro tags should be uninterned.
+(defun macroexpand-1-default (form &optional environment)
+  "Default implementation of `macroexpand-1'."
+  (let ((expander
+         (and (consp form)
+              (let* ((def (car form)) (sym def) (tem nil))
+                ;; Trace symbols aliases to other symbols until we get
+                ;; a symbol that is not an alias.  Check at each step
+                ;; whether we have an override in the environment.
+                (while (and (symbolp def)
+                            (not (setq tem (assq (setq sym def)
+                                                 environment)))
+                            (setq def (symbol-function sym))))
+                ;; Now TEM is the definition from the environment; if
+                ;; TEM is nil, DEF is SYM's function definition.
+                (if tem (cdr tem)
+                  ;; SYM is not mentioned in ENVIRONMENT.  Look at its
+                  ;; function definition.
+                  (setq def (autoload-do-load def sym 'macro))
+                  (and (consp def)
+                       (eq (car def) 'macro)
+                       (cdr def)))))))
+    (if expander (apply expander (cdr form)) form)))
+(defun macroexpand-1-worker (form environment hookenv)
+  "Recursive helper function for `macroexpand-1'.
+We use this routine to call macro expansion hooks in in reverse
+order without consing: we effectively store the reversed list on
+the execution stack."
+  ;; N.B. Stack depth isn't a problem.  We have one frame per hook
+  ;; function, not per entry on the environment alist.
+  (setq hookenv (memq-car macroexpand-environment-hook-tag hookenv))
+  (if hookenv
+      (let ((new-form (macroexpand-1-worker
+                       form
+                       environment
+                       (cdr hookenv))))
+        (if (eq new-form form)
+            (funcall (car (cdr (car hookenv))) form environment)
+          new-form))
+    (macroexpand-1-default form environment)))
+(defun macroexpand-1 (form &optional environment extended)
+  "Return result of expanding macros at top level of FORM.
+If FORM is not a macro call, it is returned unchanged.
+Otherwise, the macro is expanded once and the expansion returned.
+The second optional arg ENVIRONMENT specifies an environment of
+macro definitions.
+The third optional arg EXTENDED, if precisely `t', indicates that
+this function may return, instead of its usual value, (list
+macroexpand-already-expanded EXPANDED-FORM), indicating that
+EXPANDED-FORM is the fully expanded version of all parts of FORM
+and that no further expansion is desired.
+EXTENDED exists for the benefit of `macroexpand-all'.  The
+default macro expansion functions never return a list of this
+form, but some advanced macro facilities temporarily override
+`macroexpand-1', and these overrides may choose to return a
+macroexpand-already-expanded list."
+  (setq form (macroexpand-1-worker form environment environment))
+  (if (and (not extended)
+           (eq (car-safe form) macroexpand-already-expanded))
+      (cadr form)
+    form))
+(defun macroexpand (form &optional environment extended)
+  "Return result of expanding macros at top level of FORM.
+If FORM is not a macro call, it is returned unchanged.
+Otherwise, the macro is expanded and the expansion is considered
+in place of FORM.  When a non-macro-call results, it is returned.
+The second optional arg ENVIRONMENT specifies an environment of
+macro definitions to shadow the loaded ones for use in file
+The third optional arg EXTENDED, if precisely `t', indicates that
+this function may return, instead of its usual value, (list
+macroexpand-already-expanded EXPANDED-FORM), indicating that
+EXPANDED-FORM is the fully expanded version of all parts of FORM
+and that no further expansion is desired.
+This facility mostly exists for the benefit of `macroexpand-all':
+it lets us avoid repeatedly expanding a form a second time when
+the macro has already called `macroexpand-all' internally.
+The default macro expansion functions never return a list of this
+form, but some advanced macro facilities temporarily override
+`macroexpand-1' or `macroexpand', and these overrides may choose
+to return a macroexpand-already-expanded list."
+  (while
+      (let ((new-form (macroexpand-1 form environment t)))
+        (prog1
+            (not (or (eq new-form form)
+                     (eq (car-safe new-form)
+                         macroexpand-already-expanded)))
+          (setq form new-form))))
+  (if (and (not extended)
+           (eq (car-safe form) macroexpand-already-expanded))
+      (cadr form)
+    form))
 ;;;; List functions.

@@ -479,6 +638,19 @@
 ;;;; Various list-search functions.

+(defun memq-car (key alist)
+  "Find cons with car KEY in ALIST.
+Like `assq', except that instead of returning
+the cons cell whose car is `eq' to KEY, it returns
+the cons cell whose car is that cons cell and whose
+cdr is the rest of the alist."
+  ;; Although this function is heavily used in macro expansion (but
+  ;; not during interpretation!), avoid the temptation to move it to
+  ;; C.  The speedup is only ~2x.
+  (while (and alist (not (eq (car-safe (car alist)) key)))
+    (setq alist (cdr alist)))
+  alist)
 (defun assoc-default (key alist &optional test default)
   "Find object KEY in a pseudo-alist ALIST.
 ALIST is a list of conses or objects.  Each element

=== modified file 'src/eval.c'
--- src/eval.c  2013-09-10 15:30:10 +0000
+++ src/eval.c  2013-09-16 06:38:35 +0000
@@ -994,76 +994,6 @@
   return Qnil;

-DEFUN ("macroexpand", Fmacroexpand, Smacroexpand, 1, 2, 0,
-       doc: /* Return result of expanding macros at top level of FORM.
-If FORM is not a macro call, it is returned unchanged.
-Otherwise, the macro is expanded and the expansion is considered
-in place of FORM.  When a non-macro-call results, it is returned.
-The second optional arg ENVIRONMENT specifies an environment of macro
-definitions to shadow the loaded ones for use in file byte-compilation.  */)
-  (Lisp_Object form, Lisp_Object environment)
-  /* With cleanups from Hallvard Furuseth.  */
-  register Lisp_Object expander, sym, def, tem;
-  while (1)
-    {
-      /* Come back here each time we expand a macro call,
-        in case it expands into another macro call.  */
-      if (!CONSP (form))
-       break;
-      /* Set SYM, give DEF and TEM right values in case SYM is not a symbol. */
-      def = sym = XCAR (form);
-      tem = Qnil;
-      /* Trace symbols aliases to other symbols
-        until we get a symbol that is not an alias.  */
-      while (SYMBOLP (def))
-       {
-         QUIT;
-         sym = def;
-         tem = Fassq (sym, environment);
-         if (NILP (tem))
-           {
-             def = XSYMBOL (sym)->function;
-             if (!NILP (def))
-               continue;
-           }
-         break;
-       }
-      /* Right now TEM is the result from SYM in ENVIRONMENT,
-        and if TEM is nil then DEF is SYM's function definition.  */
-      if (NILP (tem))
-       {
-         /* SYM is not mentioned in ENVIRONMENT.
-            Look at its function definition.  */
-         struct gcpro gcpro1;
-         GCPRO1 (form);
-         def = Fautoload_do_load (def, sym, Qmacro);
-         UNGCPRO;
-         if (!CONSP (def))
-           /* Not defined or definition not suitable.  */
-           break;
-         if (!EQ (XCAR (def), Qmacro))
-           break;
-         else expander = XCDR (def);
-       }
-      else
-       {
-         expander = XCDR (tem);
-         if (NILP (expander))
-           break;
-       }
-      {
-       Lisp_Object newform = apply1 (expander, XCDR (form));
-       if (EQ (form, newform))
-         break;
-       else
-         form = newform;
-      }
-    }
-  return form;
 DEFUN ("catch", Fcatch, Scatch, 1, UNEVALLED, 0,
        doc: /* Eval BODY allowing nonlocal exits using `throw'.
@@ -3853,7 +3783,6 @@
   defsubr (&Slet);
   defsubr (&SletX);
   defsubr (&Swhile);
-  defsubr (&Smacroexpand);
   defsubr (&Scatch);
   defsubr (&Sthrow);
   defsubr (&Sunwind_protect);

=== modified file 'test/automated/cl-lib.el'
--- test/automated/cl-lib.el    2013-07-11 16:13:38 +0000
+++ test/automated/cl-lib.el    2013-09-17 14:39:15 +0000
@@ -195,4 +195,10 @@
   (should (eql (cl-mismatch "Aa" "aA") 0))
   (should (eql (cl-mismatch '(a b c) '(a b d)) 2)))

+(ert-deftest cl-lib-loop-capture-it ()
+  (should (equal
+           (cl-loop for x below 1 if x
+                    return (cons it (let ((it 2)) it)))
+           '(0 . 2))))
 ;;; cl-lib.el ends here

=== modified file 'test/automated/core-elisp-tests.el'
--- test/automated/core-elisp-tests.el  2013-08-03 01:47:54 +0000
+++ test/automated/core-elisp-tests.el  2013-09-17 14:42:11 +0000
@@ -36,5 +36,256 @@
                    '(1 2)))))

+(ert-deftest core-macroexpand-1 ()
+  (defmacro test-macro-1 () `x)
+  (defmacro test-macro-2 () `(test-macro-1))
+  (let* ((orig-form '(test-macro-2))
+         (form orig-form))
+    (setf form (macroexpand-1 form))
+    (should (equal form '(test-macro-1)))
+    (setf form (macroexpand-1 form))
+    (should (equal form 'x))
+    (should (equal form (macroexpand orig-form)))
+    (should (eq (macroexpand-1 form) form))))
+(ert-deftest core-macroexpand-1-aliases ()
+  "Alias chasing doesn't count as a macroexpansion step."
+  (defmacro test-macro-3 () `x)
+  (defalias 'test-macro-4 'test-macro-3)
+  (let ((form '(test-macro-4)))
+    (setf form (macroexpand-1 form))
+    (should (equal form 'x))))
+(defvar core-macroexpand-expansion-count nil)
+(ert-deftest core-macroexpand-already-expanded ()
+  (defmacro test-macro-5 ()
+    (list macroexpand-already-expanded 5))
+  ;; The interpreter should ignore macroexpand-already-expanded.
+  (should (equal (eval '(test-macro-5)) 5))
+  ;; Macro-expansion functions should hide
+  ;; macroexpand-already-expanded from callers by dfault.
+  (should (equal (macroexpand-1 '(test-macro-5)) 5))
+  (should (equal (macroexpand '(test-macro-5)) 5))
+  (should (equal (macroexpand-all '(test-macro-5)) 5))
+  ;; But they should provide the form on request.  (macroexpand-all
+  ;; doesn't because its return value is _always_ fully expanded.)
+  (should (equal (macroexpand-1 '(test-macro-5) nil t)
+                 (list macroexpand-already-expanded 5)))
+  (should (equal (macroexpand '(test-macro-5) nil t)
+                 (list macroexpand-already-expanded 5)))
+  (cl-defmacro test-macro-with-expand-marker (&environment env)
+      (list macroexpand-already-expanded
+            (macroexpand-all '(+ 7 7) env)))
+  (cl-defmacro test-macro-without-expand-marker (&environment env)
+    (macroexpand-all '(+ 7 7) env))
+  (let ((core-macroexpand-expansion-count)
+        (env (list (list macroexpand-environment-hook-tag
+                         (lambda (exp &optional env)
+                           (if (eql exp 7)
+                               (incf core-macroexpand-expansion-count))
+                           exp)))))
+    (setf core-macroexpand-expansion-count 0)
+    (macroexpand-all '(test-macro-without-expand-marker) env)
+    (should (= core-macroexpand-expansion-count 4))
+    (setf core-macroexpand-expansion-count 0)
+    (macroexpand-all '(test-macro-with-expand-marker) env)
+    (should (= core-macroexpand-expansion-count 2))))
+(defun test-core-normalize-variable-analysis (v)
+  "Normalize variable analysis so equal results are EQUAL."
+  (sort (mapcar (lambda (i)
+                  (list
+                   (pop i)
+                   (pop i)
+                   (sort (copy-sequence (pop i))
+                         #'string<)
+                   (pop i)))
+                v)
+        (lambda (i1 i2)
+          (string< (car i1) (car i2)))))
+(ert-deftest core-macroexp-analyze-free-variables ()
+  (let ((testcases '(((let* ((x (setq x (1+ x)))) x)
+                      . ((x t nil 1)))
+                     ((let* ((x x) x))
+                      . ((x nil nil 1)))
+                     ((let ((x x)) (setq x 1))
+                      . ((x nil nil 1)))
+                     ((let ((x 1) (y 2)) z)
+                      . ((z nil (y x) 1)))
+                     (x
+                      . ((x nil nil 1)))
+                     ((list x x)
+                      . ((x nil nil 2)))
+                     ((condition-case y x (error y))
+                      . ((x nil nil 1)))
+                     ((condition-case z x (error y))
+                      . ((y nil (z) 1) (x nil nil 1)))
+                     (:abc . nil)
+                     (t . nil)
+                     (nil . nil)
+                     ((let ((y z) (x x)) (setq x 1))
+                      . ((z nil nil 1)
+                         (x nil nil 1)))
+                     ((let ((x y) (p x)))
+                      . ((y nil nil 1)
+                         (x nil nil 1)))
+                     ((let* ((x y) (p x)))
+                      . ((y nil nil 1))))))
+    (dolist (testcase testcases)
+      (unless (equal (test-core-normalize-variable-analysis
+                      (macroexp-analyze-free-variables
+                       (car testcase)))
+                     (test-core-normalize-variable-analysis
+                      (cdr testcase)))
+        (error "from %S: got %S: expected %S"
+               (car testcase)
+               (macroexp-analyze-free-variables
+                       (car testcase))
+               (cdr testcase))))))
+(ert-deftest symbol-macrolet-basic ()
+  (should (eql (symbol-macrolet ((x 1)) x) 1))
+  (should (eql (let ((y '(3 . -1)))
+                 (symbol-macrolet ((x (car y)))
+                   (1+ x)))
+               4)))
+(ert-deftest symbol-macrolet-non-shadowable ()
+  (should (equal
+           (let ((y (cons 1 2)))
+             (symbol-macrolet-non-shadowable ((x (cdr y)))
+               (let ((x 5))
+                 (list x (cdr y)))))
+           '(5 5))))
+(ert-deftest symbol-macrolet-shadowable ()
+  (should (equal
+           (let ((y (cons 1 2)))
+             (symbol-macrolet-shadowable ((x (cdr y)))
+               (let ((x 5))
+                 (list x (cdr y)))))
+           '(5 2))))
+(ert-deftest symbol-macrolet-shadow-let* ()
+  (should (equal
+           (let ((y (cons 1 2)))
+             (symbol-macrolet-shadowable ((x (cdr y)))
+               (let* ((x -1)
+                      (z (1+ x)))
+                 (list x (cdr y) z))))
+           '(-1 2 0))))
+(ert-deftest symbol-macrolet-shadow-let ()
+  (should (equal
+           (let ((y (cons 1 2)))
+             (symbol-macrolet-shadowable ((x (cdr y)))
+               (let ((x -1)
+                     (z (1+ x)))
+                 (list x (cdr y) z))))
+           '(-1 2 3))))
+(ert-deftest symbol-macrolet-non-shadow-let ()
+  (should (equal
+           (let ((y (cons 1 2)))
+             (symbol-macrolet-non-shadowable ((x (cdr y)))
+               (let ((x -1)
+                     (z (1+ x)))
+                 (list x (cdr y) z))))
+           '(-1 -1 3))))
+(ert-deftest symbol-macrolet-non-shadow-let* ()
+  (should (equal
+           (let ((y (cons 1 2)))
+             (symbol-macrolet-non-shadowable ((x (cdr y)))
+               (let* ((x -1)
+                     (z (1+ x)))
+                 (list x (cdr y) z))))
+           '(-1 -1 0))))
+(ert-deftest symbol-macrolet-shadow-lambda-args ()
+  (should (equal
+           (let ((y (cons 1 2)))
+             (symbol-macrolet-shadowable ((x (car y)))
+               (funcall (lambda (x) (list (car y) x)) 3)))
+           (list 1 3))))
+(ert-deftest symbol-macrolet-non-shadow-lambda-args ()
+  ;; Even "non-shadowable" symbol macros shouldn't interfere with
+  ;; lambda arguments.
+  (should (equal
+           (let ((y (cons 1 2)))
+             (symbol-macrolet-non-shadowable ((x (car y)))
+               (funcall (lambda (x) (list (car y) x)) 3)))
+           '(1 3))))
+(ert-deftest cl-lib-symbol-nested-macrolet ()
+  (should (eql (symbol-macrolet ((x 1))
+                 (symbol-macrolet ((x 2))
+                   x))
+               2)))
+(ert-deftest cl-lib-symbol-nested-macrolet-shadowing ()
+  (should (equal
+           (let ((y (cons 1 2)))
+             (symbol-macrolet-non-shadowable ((x (car y)))
+               (symbol-macrolet-shadowable ((x (cdr y)))
+                 (let ((x 3))
+                   (list (car y) (cdr y) x)))))
+               '(1 2 3)))
+  (should (equal
+           (let ((y (cons 1 2)))
+             (symbol-macrolet-shadowable ((x (car y)))
+               (symbol-macrolet-non-shadowable ((x (cdr y)))
+                 (let ((x 3))
+                   (list (car y) (cdr y) x)))))
+               '(1 3 3)))
+  (should (equal
+           (let ((y (cons 1 2)))
+             (symbol-macrolet-shadowable ((x (car y)))
+               (symbol-macrolet-shadowable ((x (cdr y)))
+                 (let ((x 3))
+                   (list (car y) (cdr y) x)))))
+               '(1 2 3)))
+  (should (equal
+           (let ((y (cons 1 2)))
+             (symbol-macrolet-non-shadowable ((x (car y)))
+               (symbol-macrolet-non-shadowable ((x (cdr y)))
+                 (let ((x 3))
+                   (list (car y) (cdr y) x)))))
+               '(1 3 3))))
+(ert-deftest symbol-macrolet-condition-case ()
+  "Don't forget that `condition-case' is also a binding form."
+  (should (equal
+           (let ((x 1))
+             (symbol-macrolet-non-shadowable ((y x))
+               (condition-case y
+                   (progn
+                     (cl-incf y)
+                     (error "ignored"))
+                 (error (setq y 5))))
+             x)
+           2))
+  (should (equal
+           (let ((x 1))
+             (symbol-macrolet-shadowable ((y x))
+               (condition-case y
+                   (progn
+                     (cl-incf y)
+                     (error "ignored"))
+                 (error (setq y 5))))
+             x)
+           2)))
 (provide 'core-elisp-tests)
 ;;; core-elisp-tests.el ends here

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