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Re: Internationalize Emacs's messages (swahili)

From: Zhu Zihao
Subject: Re: Internationalize Emacs's messages (swahili)
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2020 16:05:28 +0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.13; emacs 27.1

Richard Stallman writes:

> To fully adopt Fluent along with gettext as the GNU method of handling
> this, we need to make it work in C programs.  The only simple, clean
> and general way is to implement it in C.
> Maintainers will never adopt this if their programs need to link
> with Emacs or with Rust.

Rust is able to generate C dynamic library, so we can link with it.

The dynamic library generated by Rust often statically link with its
Rust dependencies(unless that dependency is a C lib wrapper). So
it's not difficult for user to get it.

I can ask upstream whether they have interest in maintain a stable C
inteface, if they can help, we don't need to reinvent wheels.

You can take a look at librsvg[1] (from project GNOME). A SVG renderer
powered by Rust(and it's also used by Emacs currently)

[1]: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/librsvg
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