It Is flera för me hos it work. What I am saying is that docs does not say that we can't omit "optional" c or d when &rest is used. In the examples you are illustrating with, one can't omit say d and write (foo a b c e), both c and d are required,
so user has to pass explicitly at least nil if not d is provided: (foo a b c nil e)
Documentation is talking about being able to omit either optional or rest arga, but does not touch on the case when one pass both optional and rest together. In that case optional is not optional any longer.
I don't understand why is it so difficult to see what I am talking about :-).
Anyway: Happy new year's eve and all best in 2021!
-------- Originalmeddelande --------
Datum: 2020-12-31 12:27 (GMT+01:00)
Ämne: Re: Docs for &optional and &rest arguments together