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Re: TypeScript support for tree-sitter (was Re: Call for volunteers: add

From: Yuan Fu
Subject: Re: TypeScript support for tree-sitter (was Re: Call for volunteers: add tree-sitter support to major modes)
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2022 10:07:07 -0700

> On Oct 10, 2022, at 9:43 AM, Theodor Thornhill <theo@thornhill.no> wrote:
> Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> writes:
>>> From: Theodor Thornhill <theo@thornhill.no>
>>> Cc: Yuan Fu <casouri@gmail.com>
>>> Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2022 17:28:11 +0200
>>> Here's support for TypeScript with tree-sitter.
>> Thanks, please announce in NEWS.
> See attached patch.  I believe this should adhere to Yuan Fu's standards
> aswell.
> Thanks,
> Theodor
> <0001-Add-TypeScript-support-with-tree-sitter.patch>

Thanks! Some very minor comments:

From 92138c19ca09b08f7b8aff964542b2c440c7bb8e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Theodor Thornhill <theo@thornhill.no>
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2022 17:23:59 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add TypeScript support with tree-sitter

* lisp/progmodes/typescript-mode.el (typescript-mode): New major mode
for TypeScript with support for tree-sitter
 etc/NEWS                          |   6 +
 lisp/progmodes/typescript-mode.el | 320 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 326 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 lisp/progmodes/typescript-mode.el

diff --git a/etc/NEWS b/etc/NEWS
index 88b1431d6a..e1f816d4db 100644
--- a/etc/NEWS
+++ b/etc/NEWS
@@ -2774,3 +2774,9 @@ Emacs buffers, like indentation and the like.  The new 
ert function
 This is a lightweight variant of 'js-mode' that is used by default
 when visiting JSON files.
+** New mode 'typescript-mode'.
+Support is added for TypeScript, based on the new integration with
+Tree-Sitter. There's support for font-locking, indentation and

I think we should menntion that this mode requires tree-sitter to function.

 * Incompatible Lisp Changes in Emacs 29.1
diff --git a/lisp/progmodes/typescript-mode.el 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..363f7d150d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/progmodes/typescript-mode.el
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+;;; typescript-mode.el --- tree sitter support for Typescript  -*- 
lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author     : Theodor Thornhill <theo@thornhill.no>
+;; Maintainer : Theodor Thornhill <theo@thornhill.no>
+;; Created    : April 2022
+;; Keywords   : typescript languages tree-sitter

I think we're suppose to add "This file is part of GNU Emacs" in the

+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(require 'treesit)
+(defcustom typescript-mode-indent-offset 2
+  "Number of spaces for each indentation step in `typescript-mode'."
+  :type 'integer
+  :safe 'integerp
+  :group 'typescript)
+(defvar typescript-mode--syntax-table
+  (let ((table (make-syntax-table)))
+    ;; Taken from the cc-langs version
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?_  "_"     table)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?$ "_"      table)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "\\"    table)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?+  "."     table)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?-  "."     table)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?=  "."     table)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?%  "."     table)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?<  "."     table)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?>  "."     table)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?&  "."     table)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?|  "."     table)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?` "\""     table)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?\240 "."   table)
+    table)
+  "Syntax table for `typescript-mode'.")

Regarding below: again, sorry for the nitpick, but could you wrap lines
to 70 columns?

+(defvar typescript-mode--indent-rules
+  `((tsx
+     ((node-is "}") parent-bol 0)
+     ((node-is ")") parent-bol 0)
+     ((node-is "]") parent-bol 0)
+     ((node-is ">") parent-bol 0)
+     ((node-is ".") parent-bol ,typescript-mode-indent-offset)
+     ((parent-is "ternary_expression") parent-bol 
+     ((parent-is "named_imports") parent-bol ,typescript-mode-indent-offset)
+     ((parent-is "statement_block") parent-bol ,typescript-mode-indent-offset)
+     ((parent-is "type_arguments") parent-bol ,typescript-mode-indent-offset)
+     ((parent-is "variable_declarator") parent-bol 
+     ((parent-is "arguments") parent-bol ,typescript-mode-indent-offset)
+     ((parent-is "array") parent-bol ,typescript-mode-indent-offset)
+     ((parent-is "formal_parameters") parent-bol 
+     ((parent-is "template_substitution") parent-bol 
+     ((parent-is "object_pattern") parent-bol ,typescript-mode-indent-offset)
+     ((parent-is "object") parent-bol ,typescript-mode-indent-offset)
+     ((parent-is "object_type") parent-bol ,typescript-mode-indent-offset)
+     ((parent-is "enum_body") parent-bol ,typescript-mode-indent-offset)
+     ((parent-is "arrow_function") parent-bol ,typescript-mode-indent-offset)
+     ((parent-is "parenthesized_expression") parent-bol 
+     ;; JSX
+     ((parent-is "jsx_opening_element") parent ,typescript-mode-indent-offset)
+     ((node-is "jsx_closing_element") parent 0)
+     ((parent-is "jsx_element") parent ,typescript-mode-indent-offset)
+     ((node-is "/") parent 0)
+     ((parent-is "jsx_self_closing_element") parent 
+     (no-node parent-bol 0))))
+(defvar typescript-mode--settings
+  (treesit-font-lock-rules
+   :language 'tsx
+   :override t
+   '(
+     (template_string) @font-lock-string-face
+     ((identifier) @font-lock-constant-face
+      (:match "^[A-Z_][A-Z_\\d]*$" @font-lock-constant-face))
+     (nested_type_identifier module: (identifier) @font-lock-type-face)
+     (type_identifier) @font-lock-type-face
+     (predefined_type) @font-lock-type-face
+     (new_expression
+      constructor: (identifier) @font-lock-type-face)
+     (function
+      name: (identifier) @font-lock-function-name-face)
+     (function_declaration
+      name: (identifier) @font-lock-function-name-face)
+     (method_definition
+      name: (property_identifier) @font-lock-function-name-face)
+     (variable_declarator
+      name: (identifier) @font-lock-function-name-face
+      value: [(function) (arrow_function)])
+     (variable_declarator
+      name: (array_pattern
+             (identifier)
+             (identifier) @font-lock-function-name-face)
+      value: (array (number) (function)))
+     (assignment_expression
+      left: [(identifier) @font-lock-function-name-face
+             (member_expression
+              property: (property_identifier) @font-lock-function-name-face)]
+      right: [(function) (arrow_function)])
+     (call_expression
+      function:
+      [(identifier) @font-lock-function-name-face
+       (member_expression
+        property: (property_identifier) @font-lock-function-name-face)])
+     (variable_declarator
+      name: (identifier) @font-lock-variable-name-face)
+     (enum_declaration (identifier) @font-lock-type-face)
+     (enum_body (property_identifier) @font-lock-type-face)
+     (enum_assignment name: (property_identifier) @font-lock-type-face)
+     (assignment_expression
+      left: [(identifier) @font-lock-variable-name-face
+             (member_expression
+              property: (property_identifier) @font-lock-variable-name-face)])
+     (for_in_statement
+      left: (identifier) @font-lock-variable-name-face)
+     (arrow_function
+      parameter: (identifier) @font-lock-variable-name-face)
+     (arrow_function
+      parameters: [(_ (identifier) @font-lock-variable-name-face)
+                   (_ (_ (identifier) @font-lock-variable-name-face))
+                   (_ (_ (_ (identifier) @font-lock-variable-name-face)))])
+     (pair key: (property_identifier) @font-lock-variable-name-face)
+     (pair value: (identifier) @font-lock-variable-name-face)
+     (pair
+      key: (property_identifier) @font-lock-function-name-face
+      value: [(function) (arrow_function)])
+     (property_signature
+      name: (property_identifier) @font-lock-variable-name-face)
+     ((shorthand_property_identifier) @font-lock-variable-name-face)
+     (pair_pattern key: (property_identifier) @font-lock-variable-name-face)
+     ((shorthand_property_identifier_pattern) @font-lock-variable-name-face)
+     (array_pattern (identifier) @font-lock-variable-name-face)
+     (jsx_opening_element
+      [(nested_identifier (identifier)) (identifier)]
+      @font-lock-function-name-face)
+     (jsx_closing_element
+      [(nested_identifier (identifier)) (identifier)]
+      @font-lock-function-name-face)
+     (jsx_self_closing_element
+      [(nested_identifier (identifier)) (identifier)]
+      @font-lock-function-name-face)
+     (jsx_attribute (property_identifier) @font-lock-constant-face)
+     [(this) (super)] @font-lock-keyword-face
+     [(true) (false) (null)] @font-lock-constant-face
+     (regex pattern: (regex_pattern)) @font-lock-string-face
+     (number) @font-lock-constant-face
+     (string) @font-lock-string-face
+     (template_string) @font-lock-string-face
+     (template_substitution
+      ["${" "}"] @font-lock-constant-face)
+     ["!"
+      "abstract"
+      "as"
+      "async"
+      "await"
+      "break"
+      "case"
+      "catch"
+      "class"
+      "const"
+      "continue"
+      "debugger"
+      "declare"
+      "default"
+      "delete"
+      "do"
+      "else"
+      "enum"
+      "export"
+      "extends"
+      "finally"
+      "for"
+      "from"
+      "function"
+      "get"
+      "if"
+      "implements"
+      "import"
+      "in"
+      "instanceof"
+      "interface"
+      "keyof"
+      "let"
+      "namespace"
+      "new"
+      "of"
+      "private"
+      "protected"
+      "public"
+      "readonly"
+      "return"
+      "set"
+      "static"
+      "switch"
+      "target"
+      "throw"
+      "try"
+      "type"
+      "typeof"
+      "var"
+      "void"
+      "while"
+      "with"
+      "yield"
+      ] @font-lock-keyword-face
+     (comment) @font-lock-comment-face
+     )))
+(defun typescript-mode--move-to-node (fn)
+  (when-let ((found-node
+              (treesit-parent-until
+               (treesit-node-at (point))
+               (lambda (parent)
+                 (treesit-query-capture
+                  parent
+                  typescript-mode--defun-query)))))
+    (goto-char (funcall fn found-node))))
+(defun typescript-mode--beginning-of-defun (&optional _arg)
+  (typescript-mode--move-to-node #'treesit-node-start))
+(defun typescript-mode--end-of-defun (&optional _arg)
+  (typescript-mode--move-to-node #'treesit-node-end))
+(defvar typescript-mode--defun-query
+  (treesit-query-compile
+   'tsx
+   "[(import_statement)
+    (function_declaration)
+    (type_alias_declaration)
+    (interface_declaration)
+    (lexical_declaration)] @defun"))
+(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.ts\\'" . typescript-mode))
+(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.tsx\\'" . typescript-mode))
+(define-derived-mode typescript-mode prog-mode "TypeScript"
+  "Major mode for editing typescript."
+  :group 'typescript
+  :syntax-table typescript-mode--syntax-table
+  (unless (or (treesit-can-enable-p)
+              (treesit-language-available-p 'tsx))
+    (error "Tree sitter for TypeScript isn't available."))
+  ;; Comments
+  (setq-local comment-start "// ")
+  (setq-local comment-start-skip "\\(?://+\\|/\\*+\\)\\s *")
+  (setq-local comment-end "")
+  (setq-local treesit-simple-indent-rules typescript-mode--indent-rules)
+  (setq-local indent-line-function #'treesit-indent)
+  (setq-local beginning-of-defun-function 
+  (setq-local end-of-defun-function #'typescript-mode--end-of-defun)
+  (unless font-lock-defaults
+    (setq font-lock-defaults '(nil t)))
+  (setq-local treesit-font-lock-settings typescript-mode--settings)
+  (treesit-font-lock-enable))
+(provide 'typescript-mode)
+;;; typescript-mode.el ends here

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