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Re: Help sought understanding shorthands wrt modules/packages

From: tomas
Subject: Re: Help sought understanding shorthands wrt modules/packages
Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2022 12:06:36 +0100

On Sun, Oct 30, 2022 at 12:40:45PM +0200, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
> > Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2022 10:14:10 +0100
> > From: tomas@tuxteam.de
> > Cc: emacs-devel@gnu.org
> > 
> > > Before everyone starts presenting here that we made some nonsensical
> > > decision when we added shorthands, let me remind us that it was added
> > > to allow us to use packages like "s" (https://github.com/magnars/s.el),
> > > "f" (https://github.com/rejeep/f.el) and other similar ones, which use
> > > "problematic" function names.  We wanted to be able to use packages
> > > which have dependencies of those, while at the same time providing
> > > reasonably-named aliases for them.  (Gerd wasn't around back then, so
> > > he is excused, but the rest of us were here, so please let's not
> > > pretend those discussions never happened.)
> > 
> > I don't know who you mean by "us". I'm not pretending anything. I do
> > know that discussion happened.
> Well, may I suggest that you re-read your message, then?  "I had
> similar feelings" can be easily interpreted as saying that no one took
> such opinions seriously,

Perhaps it can be interpreted this way. That interpretation would be
wrong. I think it's clear that I didn't articulate those feelings,
so that's on me. I hadn't enough "hard reasoning" to be worth presenting.

I'm not putting that blame on anyone but me. Please, don't over-interpret.

>                     or maybe that they were not discussed at all.
> Which is not what happened.

Again, I'm at a loss on how you can read that into my message.

> People have short memories.  A discussion that happened 2.5 years ago
> tends to be restarted for no good reason.  You dwell here long enough
> to know that.  So when you respond to a request from someone who
> wasn't here when those discussions happened, my recommendation is to
> mention those discussions, so that this one at least had a good chance
> of being a continuation of those ones, not a re-iterations of them.

Please, Eli. I think Gerd is sufficiently grown up to differentiate
between one "I had similar feelings" and what went on in the list,
which is in the archives and he has surely gone over.

> I'm sorry to be a bit blunt, but the level of noise on this list is
> unbearable.  I urge everyone to please keep that in mind, and make an
> effort to lower the noise.

Gerd's thoughts are everything but noise. You know that best.


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