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Re: Emacs git repo mangled

From: João Távora
Subject: Re: Emacs git repo mangled
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2022 16:11:54 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Payas Relekar <relekarpayas@gmail.com> writes:

> Michael Albinus <michael.albinus@gmx.de> writes:
> Adding João Távora as maintainer of Eglot.
> I did write initial sctipts to merge eglot to emacs.git, and might be
> able to take a look tomorrow.
> However, considering these commits are already merged, I am not aware of
> what the policy is on history rewrites, João might be best to suggest
> a solution.

I've now looked at the situation, and I still don't understand what's
wrong.  As I expected the Eglot branch feature/eglot2emacs is just a
branch that shares no initial history with Emacs's mainline until the
merge with commit feature/eglot2texi manual, whose firstcommit, authored
by Eli, branches off the mainline in baa39e48.

Until that merge feature/eglot2emacs contains no files but
lisp/progmodes/eglot.el so that ls output, after you 'git checkout' to
one of feature/eglot2emacs's commits is for untracked files in your
working directory.

I detect nothing wrong in the tree: it's exactly what I would expect it
to be.  But I don't know exactly what Michael is trying to do.

Graphically and summarily, this is how the tree looks like now.


            master        f/eglot-texi-manual    f/eglot2emacs
               .                  .                 .

               |                  .                 .
final merge    |                  .                 .
(1e5b753bf4)   *<-------\
               |         ---------+                 .
               |                  |
               |     merge with   *<--\             .
               |     manual branch|    --------\
               |     (1e5b753bf4) |             ----\
emacs history >*                  |                 |
               |                  *                 |
               | tweaks to manual |                 |
               |                  *                 |
               |                  |                 *
emacs history >*                  *                 |   lots of eglot
               |                  |                 |   history (includes
               |    Eli's commit  |                 *   some branching, but
               |    (1e5b753bf4)  *                 |   majority is linear).
               |                  |                 |
               |                 /                  *
emacs history >*             /---                   |
               |         /---                       *
               |     /---                           |
               | /---                               |
               +-                                   |
               |                                    |
               |                                    *  Initial commit creating
emacs history> *                                       lisp/progmodes/eglot.el
(baa39e48)     |                                       (1e5b753bf4)

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