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Re: emacs-29 44ebd9cbd56 2/2: Eglot: explain how to update Eglot in manu

From: Philip Kaludercic
Subject: Re: emacs-29 44ebd9cbd56 2/2: Eglot: explain how to update Eglot in manual (bug#62720)
Date: Mon, 01 May 2023 07:34:12 +0000

João Távora <joaotavora@gmail.com> writes:

> Philip Kaludercic <philipk@posteo.net> writes:
>> My point is that I am guessing the average user you interact with is
>> either having issues or is actively interested in Eglot.  I suspect (and
>> it is my experience) the average user, just like the average Emacs user,
>> does not really think about the specific version they are running.
> Yeah, who knows?  And who knows if all the users we don't hear from are
> all three-headed fish from Neptune?  Don't think that means I should
> ignore the users that face problems/want features and do make their
> voices heard.
> I do agree they don't think about versions, and even less what is :core
> or not.  They probably just want things to work.

I agree with you on that, the issue is that we have different ideas of
what that means ^^.

>>> PK> I have in my init.el is a lot:
>>> PK> eldoc-echo-area-use-multiline-p nil
>>> If you upgrade Eglot, you probably won't need this customization ;-)
>> How come, is this not related to eldoc?
> It is, but you included it in your Eglot section, did you not?  

AFAIR I just did that because I structure my configuration with
outline-minor-mode and did not want to add another section.

>                                                                 And it
> was, for a long time, a way to avoid "echo area flooding" in Eglot.  So
> I figured you'd be interested in knowning that that problem is largely
> fixed.

OK, thanks for the tip, I will take a look if things changed for me.

>> Broken?  If that is the case, the issue should be addressed, but the
>> only issue I know of is that the package status is occasionally
>> incorrect, but that does not affect the packages itself.
> Robert Pluim reported some breakage.  And it's suspiciously slow to
> start for me.

This does not appear to have been described in a bug report?  Could you
point me to the message where this happens?

>> [eglot-update] should be deprecated though
> Noone disagrees with that.  Will do once there is a better alternative,
> which there isn't atm.

The plan is to address this in Emacs 30, and perhaps even earlier if we
manage to add package.el to ELPA.

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