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Re: LLM Experiments, Part 1: Corrections

From: Sergey Kostyaev
Subject: Re: LLM Experiments, Part 1: Corrections
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2024 01:50:05 +0700

Hello everyone,
This is cool Idea, I will definitely use it in ellama. But I have some suggestions:
1. Every prompt should be customizable. And since llm is low level library, it should be customizable at function call time (to manage custom variables on caller’s side). Or easier will be to reimplement this functionality.
2. Maybe it will be useful to make corrections other way (not instead of current solution, but together with it): user press some keybinding and change prompt or other parameters and redo query. Follow up revision also useful, so don’t remove it.

About your questions:
1. I think it should be different require calls, but what package it will be - doesn’t matter for me. Do it anyhow you will be comfortable with.
2. I don’t know fsm library, but understand how to manage finite state machines. I would prefer simpler code. If it will be readable with this library - ok, if without - also fine.
3. This should have small default length (256 - 1000 tokens or words or something like that) and be extendable by caller’s code. This should be different in different scenarios. Need maximum flexibility here.
4. 20 seconds of blocked Emacs is way too long. Some big local models are very good, but not very fast. For example mixtral 8x7b instruct provides great quality, but not very fast. I prefer not break user’s flow by blocking. I think configurable ability to show generation stream (or don’t show if user don’t want it) will be perfect.
5. See https://github.com/karthink/gptel as an example of flexibility.
6. Emacs has great explainability. There are ‘M-x’ commands, which-key integration for faster remembering keybindings. And we can add other interface (for example, grouping actions by meaning with completing-read, for example).

Best regards,

Sergey Kostyaev

22 янв. 2024 г., в 11:15, Andrew Hyatt <ahyatt@gmail.com> написал(а):

Hi everyone,

This email is a demo and a summary of some questions which could use your feedback in the context of using LLMs in Emacs, and specifically the development of the llm GNU ELPA package. If that interests you, read on.

I'm starting to experiment with what LLMs and Emacs, together, are capable of. I've written the llm package to act as a base layer, allowing communication various LLMs: servers, local LLMs, free, and nonfree. ellama, also a GNU ELPA package, is also showing some interesting functionality - asking about a region, translating a region, adding code, getting a code review, etc.

My goal is to take that basic approach that ellama is doing (providing useful functionality beyond chat that only the LLM can give), and expand it to a new set of more complicated interactions. Each new interaction is a new demo, and as I write them, I'll continue to develop a library that can support these more complicated experiences. The demos should be interesting, and more importantly, developing them brings up interesting questions that this mailing list may have some opinions on.

To start, I have a demo of showing the user using an LLM to rewrite existing text.

I've created a function that will ask for a rewrite of the current region. The LLM offers a suggestion, which the user can review with ediff, and ask for a revision. This can continue until the user is satisfied, and then the user can accept the rewrite, which will replace the region.

You can see the version of code in a branch of my llm source here:

And you can see the code that uses it to write the text corrector function here:

There's a few questions I'm trying to figure out in all these demos, so let me state them and give my current guesses.  These are things I'd love feedback on.

Question 1: Does the llm-flows.el file really belong in the llm package?  It does help people code against llms, but it expands the scope of the llm package from being just about connecting to different LLMs to offering a higher level layer necessary for these more complicated flows.  I think this probably does make sense, there's no need to have a separate package just for this one part.

Question 2: What's the best way to write these flows with multiple stages, in which some stages sometimes need to be repeated? It's kind of a state machine when you think about it, and there's a state machine GNU ELPA library already (fsm). I opted to not model it explicitly as a state machine, optimizing instead to just use the most straightforward code possible.

Question 3: How should we deal with context? The code that has the text corrector doesn't include surrounding context (the text before and after the text to rewrite), but it usually is helpful. How much context should we add? The llm package does know about model token limits, but more tokens add more cost in terms of actual money (per/token billing for services, or just the CPU energy costs for local models). Having it be customizable makes sense to some extent, but users are not expected to have a good sense of how much context to include. My guess is that we should just have a small amount of context that won't be a problem for most models. But there's other questions as well when you think about context generally: How would context work in different modes? What about when context may spread in multiple files? It's a problem that I don't have any good insight into yet.

Question 4: Should the LLM calls be synchronous? In general, it's not great to block all of Emacs on a sync call to the LLM. On the other hand, the LLM calls are generally fast enough (a few seconds, the current timeout is 20s) that the user isn't going to be accomplishing much while the LLM works, and is likely to get into a state where the workflow is waiting for their input and we have to get them back to a state where they are interacting with the workflow.  Streaming calls are a way that works well for just getting a response from the LLM, but when we have a workflow, the response isn't useful until it is processed (in the demo's case, until it is an input into ediff-buffers).  I think things have to be synchronous here.

Question 5: Should there be a standard set of user behaviors about editing the prompt? In another demo (one I'll send as a followup), with a universal argument, the user can edit the prompt, minus context and content (in this case the content is the text to correct). Maybe that should always be the case. However, that prompt can be long, perhaps a bit long for the minibuffer. Using a buffer instead seems like it would complicate the flow. Also, if the context and content is embedded in that prompt, they would have to be replaced with some placeholder. I think the prompt should always be editable, we should have some templating system. Perhaps emacs already has some templating system, and one that can pass arguments for number of tokens from context would be nice.

Question 6: How do we avoid having a ton of very specific functions for all the various ways that LLMs can be used? Besides correcting text, I could have had it expand it, summarize it, translate it, etc. Ellama offers all these things (but without the diff and other workflow-y aspects). I think these are too much for the user to remember. It'd be nice to have one function when the user wants to do something, and we work out what to do in the workflow. But the user shouldn't be developing the prompt themselves; at least at this point, it's kind of hard to just think of everything you need to think of in a good prompt.  They need to be developed, updated, etc. What might be good is a system in which the user chooses what they want to do to a region as a secondary input, kind of like another kind of execute-extended-command.

These are the issues as I see them now. As I continue to develop demos, and as people in the list give feedback, I'll try to work through them.

BTW, I plan on continuing these emails, one for every demo, until the questions seem worked out. If this mailing list is not the appropriate place for this, let me know.

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