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Re: LLM Experiments, Part 1: Corrections

From: Andrew Hyatt
Subject: Re: LLM Experiments, Part 1: Corrections
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 20:52:18 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

On 22 January 2024 14:06, "T.V Raman" <raman@google.com> wrote: Some more related thoughts below, mostly thinking aloud: 1. From using gptel and ellama against the same model, I see different style responses, and that kind of inconsistency would be good to get a handle on; LLMs are difficult enough to figure out re what they're doing without this additional variation.

Is this keeping the prompt and temperature constant? There's inconsistency, though, even keeping everything constant due to the randomness of the LLM. I often get very different results, for example, to make the demo I shared, I had to run it like 5 times because it would either do things too well (no need to demo corrections), or not well enough (for example, it wouldn't follow my orders to put everything in one paragraph).

2. Package LLM has the laudible goal of bridgeing between models and front-ends, and this is going to be vital. 3. (1,2) above lead to the following question: 4. Can we write down a list of common configuration vars --- here common across the model axis. Make it a union of all such params.

I think the list of common model-and-prompt configuration should already be already in the llm package already, but we probably will need to keep expanding this.

5. Next, write down a list of all configurable params on the UI side.

This will change quite a bit depending on the task. It's unclear how much should be configurable - for example, in the demo, I have ediff so the user can see and evaluate the diff. But maybe that should be configurable, so if the user wants to see just a diff output instead, perhaps that should be allowed? When I was thinking about a state machine, I was thinking that parts of the state machine might be overridable by the user, such as a "have the user check the results of the operation" is a state in the state machine that the user can just define their own function for. I suspect we'll have a better idea of this after a few more demos.

6. When stable, define a single data-structure in elisp that acts as the bridge between the front-end emacs UI and the LLM module.

If I understand you correctly, this would be the configuration you listed in your point (4) and (5)?

7. Finally factor out the settings of that structure and make it possible to create "profiles" so that one can predictably experiment across front-ends and models.
I like this idea, thanks!

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