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Re: LLM Experiments, Part 1: Corrections

From: T.V Raman
Subject: Re: LLM Experiments, Part 1: Corrections
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 14:06:00 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Some more related thoughts below, mostly thinking aloud:
1. From using gptel and ellama against the same model, I see different
   style responses, and that kind of inconsistency would be good to get
   a handle on; LLMs are difficult enough to figure out re what they're
   doing without this additional variation.
2. Package LLM has the laudible goal of bridgeing between models and
   front-ends, and this is going to be vital.
3. (1,2) above lead  to the following question:
4. Can we write down  a list of common configuration vars --- here
  common across the model axis. Make  it a union of all such params.
5. Next, write down a list of all configurable params on the UI side.
6. When stable, define a single data-structure in elisp that acts as
   the bridge between the front-end emacs UI and the LLM module.
7. Finally factor out  the settings of that structure and make it
   possible to create "profiles" so that one can predictably experiment
   across front-ends and models.

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