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Re: Emacs User Survey 2020 Results

From: Adrien Brochard
Subject: Re: Emacs User Survey 2020 Results
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2020 16:39:07 -0500
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If this person chose to use Matlab, it’s totally their decision.
Software they used on their own device.  Nobody gets to say anything
about that.

When Emacs Survey is promoted here, I will tell that there is Octave
as free software as that is what people should know. Using proprietary
software and promoting it to others is detrimental for safety of
people and in itself unjust. I will always say something about

Let's just chill about Matlab please. There was no Matlab involved here.
I'm 100% against Matlab.

Now, the choice of Google forms is not great, but nobody forced anybody
to fill in the survey, and nobody has the right or authority to decide
with which software people get to use the name of Emacs with. That sort
of language policing is easily fascistic, whatever the yardstick looks
like.  Also, looking over your email again, I see no link to any online
survey tools that could replace the use of Google Forms here.

Also no Google forms involved. I used Jotform which is not free software
indeed, but much more compliant (HIPAA for example). But also correct
that nobody was forced and email answers were an option specifically for
that purpose.

I have already pointed out to Adrien before the survey how that can be
done. I would be happy to write the HTML with the form and I have my
own system to write it. The survey is very simple to implement in
simple HTML which can look nice with some stylesheet. And there are
few free survey options. Adrien could ask for that and would get an
answer on Emacs devel mailing list when he presented it first time.

Yet, there would be no need for complex software, as simple HTML and
simple one program in background on the server could collect
information without problem. Times change and people are new and do
not know that problem have been solved before decades since form.cgi


German quality LimeSurvey is free software:

I did look at them. Their hosted version is prohibitively expensive for
the volume we had. And I am not willing to self-host.

Adrien Brochard

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