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[emacs-wiki-discuss] RFC: verse tag markup and IE

From: Michael Olson
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] RFC: verse tag markup and IE
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2004 02:25:10 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

In the emacs-wiki 2.66 release, one of the changes deals with verse
tags.  The old behavior was to put a "br" tag at the end of each line,
put that is not XHTML 1.1 compliant.  I have opted to instead have the
publisher include something like:

p.verse {
  line-height: 2em;
  margin-left: 5%;
  white-space: pre;

in their CSS stylesheet.  The problem with this is that Internet
Explorer is unable to correctly break lines, even though that is part
of the CSS 2 standard.

I could use a "pre" tag inside the verse tag, but the "pre" tag
usually has its own stylesheet entry which can conflict with the
p.verse entry.

For a future release, I am trying to decide between two possible

 1. Leave things the way they are and wait for Microsoft to make their
    browser more standards compliant.

 2. Include a configurable option to put the "br" tag at the end of
    each line within verse tags, disabled by default.

If anyone has an opinion on which one of these routes I should choose,
or if you know of a possible third option that would retain standards
compliance without sacrificing too much, please contribute to this

Michael Olson -- FSF Associate Member #652 -- Web: http://www.mwolson.org/
Jabber: mwolson_at_hcoop.net -- IRC: mwolson on freenode.net: #muse, #pulug
  /~ |\ | | |   Interests: animé, Debian GNU/Linux, XHTML, wiki, Lisp
 |_] | \| |_|  Fun quotes: http://www.mwolson.org/plans/QuoteList.html

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