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Re: [glob2-devel] Net Development Update

From: Bradley Arsenault
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] Net Development Update
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2007 22:08:55 -0400

Another update!

The new YOG is nearing completion. Besides some stability issues and remaining bugs, and in-game chat, its pretty much done. Completely. I've done the bandwidth reduction techniques and shaved bandwidth consumption to under a kilobyte a second for each player. Map transfers work.

I've also fixed the CPU bar, along with making a new frame-rate smoothing algorithm, which, in its great simplicity, handles pretty much everything that can affect the frame rate. Bassically it counts how many milliseconds should have been passed, and how many milliseconds have been passed. If it needs to delay, (most of the time it does), it will. In the case that its really behind where it should be, it will truncate, to keep it from doing long periods of "catch up". Otherwise, this smooths everything, from SDL_Delay

I've done several things in preperation of a merge back into the master, such as removing backwards compatability code and finishing the unit tests. I hope to be able to merge into the master soon.

Before I do that, i will need to be able to get a version of the new YOG running side by side with the existing one on our server. I have no idea how to do this, I hope someone can fill me in.

After we get a master server up, we can do some more mainstream stress tests of the server with more people. Hopefully we will find something I haven't.

Really. I'm not lieing. Bradley Arsenault.
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