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Re: [glob2-devel] Optimization suggestions (Map::updateLocalGradient())

From: Erik Søe Sørensen
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] Optimization suggestions (Map::updateLocalGradient())
Date: Wed, 05 Sep 2007 10:13:30 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; da; rv:1.7.13) Gecko/20060717 Debian/1.7.12-1.1ubuntu2 StumbleUpon/1.9995

Joe Wells skrev:

Erik Søe Sørensen <address@hidden> writes:
I have been doing some profiling on Globulation 2, and found some useful

Thank you very much!!!!

Please continue to do this with new releases!!!

This is great!!!

Thank you for the game - and for the warm response (each '!' counts :)!

By the way, can you please write a short profiling “how to” explaining
what exact commands you typed to obtain this information?  That would
be really helpful (because on different machines and/or with different
configuration options different portions of the code might be the
worst spots, so it would be nice if other people could easily do the
same profiling).

Perhaps... I actually learned something additional skills in that area myself, doing this. But first I'll have to send you the latest results - I got an additional 34% speed increase in that function today (and simplified code in several places)...
- I'll be back, presumably tomorrow.

Oh, and by the way: what would be helpful when profiling is if you could start the game with command-line options saying, "Load this savegame, run for $n ticks, and exit" - so that one can measure performance on the same amount of work :-)

[Resent - hit the wrong reply-button, sorry...]

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