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[Gnu-arch-users] Round III: xl and all that

From: Tom Lord
Subject: [Gnu-arch-users] Round III: xl and all that
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2004 18:55:06 -0700 (PDT)

Really... this is almost worked out well enough now to convert into
code which should go pretty quickly once it starts....

                        xl1: xl0 + expressions

 An xl1 program is similar to an xl0 program, except that (some)
 _expressions_ are permitted on the right-hand-side of definitions.

 A (trivial) sample xl1 program is:

        (define x-squared (* x x))
        (define x 42)

 This is about what expressions are permitted in xl1 and what those
 expressions mean.

 We state (or reiterate) two restrictions at the outset:

        1. Formulas may not be syntactically recurisve.
           The formula for the definition of variable V can
           not (directly or indirectly) refer to the formula
           for variable V.

        2. The "operator position" of a function call can 
           only contain a built-in function.   (This is an xl1-only
           restriction that will be slightly relaxed in full xl.)

* xl1 Programs as Data

  An xl1 program can be written as constant data (an association)
  as in this example which is a transcription-into-data of the short
  program above:

        '#( type        =>      program
            x-squared   =>      (* x x)
            x           =>      42 )

* The xl1 Reduction Machine

  An xl1 virtual machine has three registers:

          Always contains the current state of the
          program being evaluated.

          Always contains a symbol;  the name of the
          variable whose value is being demanded.

          Always contains a symbol;  the name of the
          variable whose value is currently being computed.

  Suppose that we want to evaluate our sample program, above, to
  obtain the value of `x-squared'.   We would initialize the VM to:

        $program = '#( type        =>      program
                       x-squared   =>      (* x x)
                       x           =>      42 )

        $goal = 'x-squared

        $subgoal = 'x-squared

  Evaluation consists of a series of _cycles_.  Each cycle makes
  a simplification to $program and/or adjusts $goal and $subgoal.

  Simplifications to $program always bring the program closer to being
  fully evaluated.   For example, while compute `x-squared', we 
  might simply:

        $program = '#( type        =>      program
                       x-squared   =>      (* x x)
                       x           =>      42 )


        $program = '#( type        =>      program
                       x-squared   =>      (* 42 42)
                       x           =>      42 )

  Eventually, after enough cycles, every definition in a program can
  be reduced to either a self-evaluating value or quoted value.

  Fully reduced, our trivial program becomes:

        $program = '#( type        =>      program
                       x-squared   =>      1764
                       x           =>      42 )

* What Happens in One Cycle

  During each cycle, one of three things occurs:

    1. A "trivial subexpression" of the program is replaced
       by its reduced value.

    2. The (virtual) machine halts normally.


    3. The (virtual) machine halts in an error condition.

  The most interesting case is (1): reducing trivial subexpressions to
  their values.

  A subexpression is _trivial_ if:

    a. It is a function call and all arguments to the function
       are either self-evaluating values or quoted constants.

       A trivial function call can be replaced by its value
       produced by calling a built-in primitive function.

    b. It is a conditional expression and the first <test> clause
       of the conditional is either self-evaluating or a quoted

       If the <test> is not #false, then the entire conditional
       can be replaced with just the <consequent> from that branch.
       If the test is #false, the first clause can be removed from
       the conditional.   If the conditional is empty, it can be 
       reduced to #undefined

    c. It is a variable reference and the variable definition is
       or has been reduced to a self-evaluating value or quoted
       constant.  The variable reference can be replaced by the 

  A program may contain _many_ trivial subexpressions: which one is
  reduced in a given cycle?

  That is controlled by the $goal and $subgoal registers.

  At all times, $subgoal contains a symbol, the name of a variable
  defined by the program.   The immediate purpose of the next cycle
  to run is to make progress evaluating that value.

  Therefore, (normally) the trivial subexpression that is reduced in 
  a given cycle is a subexpression of the expression defining the
  variable named in $subgaol

  In the program:

        (define a (+ b c))
        (define b 1)
        (define c 2)
        (define d (- c b))


        $subgoal == 'a

  the subexpressions `b' and `c' in the definition of `a' are 
  trivial subexpressions, suitable for reduction, because they
  are subexpressions of the variable named in $subgoal.

  The same subexpressions, 'c' and 'b' in the definition of `d'
  are _not_ candidates for reduction because `d' is not named
  by $subgoal.

  There is still ambiguity, though: which subexpression is reduced
  first?  `b' or `c'?

  In a normal function call, the _left-most_ subexpression that is not
  already a self-evaluating or quoted constant is reduced.

  In other words, at the start of the cycle:

        $program = '#( type => program
                       a    => (+ b c)
                       b    => 1
                       c    => 2
                       d    => (- c b) )
        $subgoal = 'a

  then by the "left-most trivial under $subgoal" rule, at the end
  of the cycle the VM registers contain:

        $program = '#( type => program
                       a    => (+ 1 c)
                       b    => 1
                       c    => 2
                       d    => (- c b) )
        $subgoal = 'a

  Applying the rule again, after the next cycle:

        $program = '#( type => program
                       a    => (+ 1 2)
                       b    => 1
                       c    => 2
                       d    => (- c b) )
        $subgoal = 'a

  If a function call has no non-constant parameters then it is
  itself a trivial expression.   The next cycle brings:

        $program = '#( type => program
                       a    => 3
                       b    => 1
                       c    => 2
                       d    => (- c b) )
        $subgoal = 'a

  (We haven't needed the $goal register yet.  We will eventually but
  for now...)

  The above execution is not the only one permitted.  The execution 
  above is what happens if $sobgoal never changes from 'a.  However,
  the virtual machine is allowed to vary the contents of $subgoal 
  freely.   For example a vm might alternate, every other cycle,
  between subgoal `a' and subgoal `d', resulting in this trace:

        $program = '#( type => program
                       a    => (+ b c)
                       b    => 1
                       c    => 2
                       d    => (- c b) )
        $subgoal = 'a

        $program = '#( type => program
                       a    => (+ 1 c)
                       b    => 1
                       c    => 2
                       d    => (- c b) )
        $subgoal = 'd


        $program = '#( type => program
                       a    => (+ 1 c)
                       b    => 1
                       c    => 2
                       d    => (- 2 b) )
        $subgoal = 'a


        $program = '#( type => program
                       a    => (+ 1 2)
                       b    => 1
                       c    => 2
                       d    => (- 2 b) )
        $subgoal = 'd


        $program = '#( type => program
                       a    => (+ 1 2)
                       b    => 1
                       c    => 2
                       d    => (- 2 1) )
        $subgoal = 'a


        $program = '#( type => program
                       a    => 3
                       b    => 1
                       c    => 2
                       d    => (- 2 1) )
        $subgoal = 'a


        $program = '#( type => program
                       a    => 3
                       b    => 1
                       c    => 2
                       d    => 1 )
        $subgoal = 'a

  The rule stated for conditionals up there might seem a little
  opaque.  Here are two traces which illustrate it:

  For the program:

        (define x 1)
        (define y 2)
        (define z (cond
                   ((= x 1)     'hello)
                   ((= y 8)     'goodbye)))

  the trace is:

        $program = '#( type => program
                       x    => 1
                       y    => 2
                       z    => (cond ((= x 1) 'hello)
                                     ((= y 8) 'goodbye)) )
        $subgoal = 'z
        $program = '#( type => program
                       x    => 1
                       y    => 2
                       z    => (cond ((= 1 1) 'hello)
                                     ((= y 8) 'goodbye)) )
        $subgoal = 'z

        $program = '#( type => program
                       x    => 1
                       y    => 2
                       z    => (cond (#t 'hello)
                                     ((= y 8) 'goodbye)) )
        $subgoal = 'z
        $program = '#( type => program
                       x    => 1
                       y    => 2
                       z    => 'hello )
        $subgoal = 'z

  at which point z is fully reduced.

  A slight variation:

        (define x 1)
        (define y 2)
        (define z (cond
                   ((= x 7)     'hello)
                   ((= y 8)     'goodbye)))

  also has an illustrative trace:

        $program = '#( type => program
                       x    => 1
                       y    => 2
                       z    => (cond ((= x 7) 'hello)
                                     ((= y 8) 'goodbye)) )
        $subgoal = 'z
        $program = '#( type => program
                       x    => 1
                       y    => 2
                       z    => (cond ((= 1 7) 'hello)
                                     ((= y 8) 'goodbye)) )
        $subgoal = 'z
        $program = '#( type => program
                       x    => 1
                       y    => 2
                       z    => (cond (#f 'hello)
                                     ((= y 8) 'goodbye)) )
        $subgoal = 'z
        $program = '#( type => program
                       x    => 1
                       y    => 2
                       z    => (cond ((= y 8) 'goodbye)) )
        $subgoal = 'z
        $program = '#( type => program
                       x    => 1
                       y    => 2
                       z    => (cond (#f 'goodbye)) )
        $subgoal = 'z
        $program = '#( type => program
                       x    => 1
                       y    => 2
                       z    => (cond) )
        $subgoal = 'z
        $program = '#( type => program
                       x    => 1
                       y    => 2
                       z    => #undefined )
        $subgoal = 'z

  which is again fully reduced and halts normally.

* xl1 Goals and Subgoals

  Consider how we might evaluate:

        (define maybe-prime  (- two-power 1))
        (define two-power    (power 2 N))
        (define N            3)

  using only the rules we have so far.  The trace if we want to 
  obtain `maybe-prime' would go:

        $program = '#( type => program
                       maybe-prime    => (- two-power 1)
                       two-power      => (power 2 N)
                       N              => 3 )
        $subgoal = 'maybe-prime

  We immediately need to reduce `two-power' but that variable has not
  yet been reduced to a constant.   One way to do that would be
  by replacing the variable reference with its definition anyway, as

        $program = '#( type => program
                       maybe-prime    => (- (power 2 N) 1)
                       two-power      => (power 2 N)
                       N              => 3 )
        $subgoal = 'maybe-prime

  that rule _would_ eventually get the right answer now what if
  someone also demanded the value of `two-power'.  Then the function
  call `(power 2 N)' will have to be evaluated twice which certainly
  seems wasteful and counter-intuitive, at least.

  So, the real answer is just to change the subgoal:

        $program = '#( type => program
                       maybe-prime    => (- two-power 1)
                       two-power      => (power 2 N)
                       N              => 3 )
        $subgoal = 'maybe-prime
        $program = '#( type => program
                       maybe-prime    => (- two-power 1)
                       two-power      => (power 2 N)
                       N              => 3 )
        $subgoal = 'two-power

  The program hasn't changed but the goal has.  Further reductions
  will eventually lead to:

        $program = '#( type => program
                       maybe-prime    => (- two-power 1)
                       two-power      => 8
                       N              => 3 )
        $subgoal = 'two-power

  but then what?  $subgoal is fully reduced.   The VM has "forgotten"
  that the goal was to compute `maybe-prime'.

  That's where the $goal register comes in.   Our complete VM state, 
  initially, is actually:

        $program = '#( type => program
                       maybe-prime    => (- two-power 1)
                       two-power      => (power 2 N)
                       N              => 3 )
        $subgoal = 'maybe-prime
        $goal = 'maybe-prime

  $goal says "Our overall goal is `maybe-prime'" and $subgoal says
  "The immediate goal is `maybe-prime'".

  The first step in the reduction has to try to reduce `two-power' in
  the definition of `maybe-prime'.   It does that by changing the
  $subgoal but leaving $goal alone:

        $program = '#( type => program
                       maybe-prime    => (- two-power 1)
                       two-power      => (power 2 N)
                       N              => 3 )
        $subgoal = 'two-power
        $goal = 'maybe-prime

  Following the usual reduction rules, that eventually becomes:

        $program = '#( type => program
                       maybe-prime    => (- two-power 1)
                       two-power      => 8
                       N              => 3 )
        $subgoal = 'two-power
        $goal = 'maybe-prime

  The rule for what happens when $goal and $subgoal are different, and
  $subgoal is fully reduced, is that $goal is copied to $subgoal:

        $program = '#( type => program
                       maybe-prime    => (- two-power 1)
                       two-power      => 8
                       N              => 3 )
        $subgoal = 'maybe-prime
        $goal = 'maybe-prime

  Then, because `two-power' is fully reduced, the rest of execution is
  trivial, eventually leading to:

        $program = '#( type => program
                       maybe-prime    => 7
                       two-power      => 8
                       N              => 3 )
        $subgoal = 'maybe-prime
        $goal = 'maybe-prime

  In this state, because $subgoal is fully reduced _and_ because $goal
  and $subgoal are the same, the machine halts normally.

* Summary and Looking Forward

  The above definition of expression evaluation in xl1 gives a fairly
  simple and intuitive idea of how reduction takes place and how it 
  interacts with concurrent demand for more than one variable from 
  a single program run.

  One drawback of the operational model given above is that it is
  based on always reducing the "left-most" or "next-needed" trivial
  subexpression.   Which subexpression that is requires a recursive
  search through the current program state: fairly expensive if
  implemented naively.

  A future post will show given an alternative (but equivalent)
  operational model for xl1.  The alternative will have the advantage
  that it can be implemented in xl1 itself!

  The xl1-in-xl1 interpreter is a short but interesting xl1 program.
  It computes the changes that occur in virtual machine registers 
  during one "micro-cycle".  Each cycle in the definition given in 
  this message corresponds to a (finite) sequence of micro-cycles.

  The C interface to an xl1 interpreter would do well to include
  direct access to the VM.  One can imagine an entry point like:

        new_vm_state = run_for_k_microcycles (old_vm_state, k);

  That function `run_for_k_microcycles' is the essense of an xl1

  We'll have a (short) xl1 program that effectively specifies
  `run_for_k_microcycles' and so the next step is obvious:

  Write a (special purpose) xl1 -> C compiler which can take the
  xl1 version of run_for_k_microcycles and translate it into the
  C function.   Given the very simple nature of xl1, this is not 
  so daunting a task as it might sound at first.



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   I'd like to take you to the inside world."
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