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Re: MIDI to sheet music

From: Stephen Peters
Subject: Re: MIDI to sheet music
Date: 02 Dec 2000 15:40:47 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.0802 (Gnus v5.8.2) Emacs/20.7

Ankit Jain <address@hidden> writes:

> I want to convert midi files (.mid) to sheet music. Can i do that
> using LilyPond?? if yes, then how?

In theory, yes.  Lilypond includes a midi2ly converter that will turn
the midi file into a .ly input file for lilypond, which can then
create some printed music from it.

In practice, I don't think midi2ly does a great job at synchronizing
the different tracks (even on midi files created by lilypond), and it
seems to do very poorly on random MIDI files found on the web.

(Question for gnu-music-discuss: Does anyone know of a way to improve
midi2ly's performance, or is it just something that needs work before
it can be a really useful tool?)

Stephen L. Peters                                  address@hidden
  PGP fingerprint: A1BF 5A81 03E7 47CE 71E0  3BD4 8DA6 9268 5BB6 4BBE
     "Poodle: The other white meat." -- Sherman, Sherman's Lagoon

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