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Re: gpsd and ublox

From: Gary E. Miller
Subject: Re: gpsd and ublox
Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2024 13:37:47 -0800

Yo Joseph M. - US!

On Fri, 1 Mar 2024 21:18:59 +0000
"Beissel, Joseph M. - US" <> wrote:

> I was wondering if there is any documentation that you can point me
> to on the interactions (if any) that occur between gpsd and a ublox
> device when gpsd starts.

Sorry, no doc.  And it depends a lot on your u-blox model and your
gpsd configuration.  You can look in the doc, use ubxtool to watch it,
or ask here (after providing model number, configuration, etc.)

Users fall into 2 types.  The majority want gpsd to "Just Work"tm, and
for them auto-configuration is fine.  A small minority, will use
"--passive" mode, and use ubxtool (or similar) to program their device
just the way they want it.

Which user type are you?

> Does it perform any initialization of the
> ublox device?

If: 1) it recognizes the device model, 2) --passive is not used, and
3) you connected the TXD wire.

> How does it handshake with it?

Standard UBX handshake.

> Does it handshakle
> with it?

When possible.

> I reset the ublox device on our board

The device is always in the details!  What model?  What board?
How did you start gpsd?  My mindreading skills are weak.

> and start gpsd
> (since we are not running it by default as of yet).  I can then run
> gpsmon and see things getting reported (really nice tool).  I am just
> looking for documentation that indicates what happens when gpsd
> starts.

Uh, you reallize thet gpsmon is old, obsolete, unmaintened, and not
evern a try gpsd client?  Try ubxtool, cgps, xgps, etc.

> We are running an image on our custom hardware that is built using
> Yocto Warrior that came packaged with version 3.17.

Uh, you realize that is 6 years old?  We can't support that.

> I know there are
> newer gpsd versions with later releases of Yocto but we are unable to
> move away from Warrior at this time.

Sucks to be you.

> I see in later releases and read documentation about ubxtool that can
> be used to send configuration commands to a ublox device.  Is there
> something similiar to that in 3.17?  I am not sure I have seen
> anything like that.

Nope, you are out of luck.

> Sorry if this question appears to come from a newbie,

You become not a newbie by asking questions.  And we improve our doc
by seeing what is unclear to newbies.  So we welcome all questions, at
least those in good faith.

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Uh, no.  Don't do that.  This is a FOSS project and we do not do:

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Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703  Tel:+1 541 382 8588

            Veritas liberabit vos. -- Quid est veritas?
    "If you can't measure it, you can't improve it." - Lord Kelvin

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