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Re: comparing commit-relation using Scheme+libgit2 vs shellout plumbing

From: Simon Tournier
Subject: Re: comparing commit-relation using Scheme+libgit2 vs shellout plumbing Git
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2023 13:56:03 +0200

Hi Ludo,

On Thu, 14 Sep 2023 at 12:30, Ludovic Courtès <> wrote:

>                                                        but I don’t think
> we can get a decent throughput if we shell out for all these things
> (assuming ‘git’ can even give us raw data).

Do you consider that Magit does not have a decent throughput?
Do you consider that Git-Annex does not have a decent throughput?

To my knowledge, they shell out Git plumbing commands; one using Emacs
Lisp and the other Haskell.

And some porcelain Git commands that we all are using daily are Bash
scripts calling plumbing Git commands that shell out.  (Or were Bash
scripts before being replaced by C builtin).

For example, git-rebase, git-pull, git-log, etc.

The task is probably complex and boring, I agree.  However, I am not
convinced the issue is about a “decent throughput”.  The best would be
to have the same performance using libgit2 and using plumbing Git
command for one example: say ’commit-relation’.  Or another one. :-)

Otherwise, I believe what I am seeing. ;-)


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