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Re: Where is Emacs Lisp taught ?

From: Gene
Subject: Re: Where is Emacs Lisp taught ?
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2018 11:40:30 -0700 (PDT)
User-agent: G2/1.0

On Friday, October 26, 2018 at 8:55:13 PM UTC-4, Jean-Christophe Helary wrote:
> Gene,
> Thank you for this remark. 
> I totally agree with you. 
> elisp should be considered a domain specific language and 
> not be compared to general purpose languages in general.

For me as an IS-ist 
  -- rather than should-ist or could-ist -- 
  it's simply not a point of what it `should' be compared-to 
   as we can't stop others from making silly or unflattering comparisons.

It CAN be used as a Domain Specific Language.

> Hence the difficulty to find places that teach elisp, 
> since such places would rather teach general computing, 
> than domain specific computing.

Heavy Sigh.
Alas, most of the would-be `free world' employs forced-assembly day-care 
concentration camps tasked, in the name of `education', 
with inculcating as-if `teaching'.
So I understand how you or most would have a teaching-centered worldview.

Have you considered a learning-centered, autodidactic approach?

If you could, the answer to the gist of your question might be "Here!"

;v--- DIY lesson for self-paced, self-directed learners of Elisp as a DSL

; Assuming one is familiar with the would-be `mathematical' notion of inverses,
; yet has a mind open enough allow inverses to be performed in a 
; non-numerical domain,
; here, for your consideration, are a pair of elisp inverse functions:

; split-string & mapconcat, if and only if the same delimiter/glue is used.

; example: 

    "Alas, most of the would-be `free world' employs forced-assembly day-care 
concentration camps tasked, in the name of `education', with inculcating as-if 

   delimiter ; for use with split-string
     " "

   glue ; for use with mapconcat
     (split-string text-sample delimiter)

     (mapconcat (function identity) glue)

 (when (string=     text-sample  text-sample.reconstituted)
   "Proof of inverses"

) ;progn

;^--- DIY lesson for self-paced, self-directed learners of Elisp as a DSL

Where IS elisp LEARNED?

Perhaps others would step forward with an elisp demo, tutorial, pro tip?

I'd like to believe that those of us wishing to LEARN elisp can learn from each 
other as well as rummaging around elisp manuals and intros in the process of 
self-paced, self-directed learning.

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