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Re: Musescore and other music notation packages like Lilypond, Frescobal

From: Martin Castillo
Subject: Re: Musescore and other music notation packages like Lilypond, Frescobaldi, Denemo, Rosegarden
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2023 12:06:36 +0100
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I'm just leaving a simle note here.

Am 21.03.23 um 10:02 schrieb Gottfried:
I can’t create a document with:

And you are not supposed to. lilypond is not a program to create or edit .ly files. It is only there to read those files and produce pdfs and midi files.

The command
is used to create a pdf using an existing file named
as input!

Here is a simple figure. Programs are inside bars (|program|) and take input from the left and output to the right.

With frescobaldi the data flow looked something like this
|frescobaldi| -> -> |lilypond| -> THE_FILENAME.pdf
where the middle parts were invisible to you, because frescobaldi was made that way, to hide that part. You just interacted with frescobaldi and used the pdf at the end.

If you change away from frescobaldi, the middle part becomes visible (i.e. you have to "do more"):
|nano       | -> -> |lilypond| -> THE_FILENAME.pdf

Now you have to create the file explicitly yourself with some program, possibly nano, and then call lilypond so that lilypond creates the pdf file from

Now you can replace nano by your favourite (working) editor, so once the gtk stuff is fixed, you may even use gedit in the future.

Hope that helps.

> with which command can I copy the songbook from this guix shell into my home folder?

Do you mean the pdf?
I'd guess it already is in your home folder: If you just started your terminal before executing
guix shell lilypond nano mercurial timidity++  and the other commands, should be in your home folder (/home/gfp I guess). And executing
lilypond creates the pdf file in the same folder.

Here is how to copy a file:
cp source.file dest.file

cp THE_FILENAME.pdf ~/Dokumente/

This will copy THE_FILENAME.pdf to the Dokumente directory.
This assumes THE_FILENAME.pdf is in your current working directory of your shell.

(That just means you're in that directory with the shell. The command `pwd` prints the current working directory. With cd you can change between working directories:
$ cd   # this changes to your home directory
$ cd Dokumente # go into ~/Dokumente, which is Dokumente inside your home directory
# you can swith down multiple directories at once
$ cd Musik/Noten # go into ~/Dokument/Musik/Noten
$ cd ..  # go one level up, back into ~/Dokument/Musik
$ cd ~/Desktop/Projekt/Musical # jump to Projekt Musical inside Desktop
$ cd ../.. # go two levels up to Desktop

Note, these examples assume that those directories even exist. If one of those doesn't, cd will print an Error:
bash: cd: Musik/Noten: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden

Example 2: If THE_FILENAME.pdf was for example on your desktop, you could do
cp ~/Desktop/THE_FILENAME.pdf ~/Dokumente/songbook-v0.1.pdf
to copy it to Dokumente and give it a different name at once.


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