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Re: LilyPond concept glossary?

From: Jean-Charles Malahieude
Subject: Re: LilyPond concept glossary?
Date: Sat, 01 Aug 2009 15:03:41 +0200
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Le 31/07/2009 07:55, Patrick McCarty disait :
On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 11:06:59AM -0700, Mark Polesky wrote:
It would be nice to have some central place that explains some
"internals" concepts. Here are examples of things that a new developer
might have to ask about, or perhaps spend a long time disentangling:


It would be nice to have a LilyPond-specific glossary, that users could
also use. For example, a user might get "glyph" and "stencil" confused.
I still get "command" "keyword" "identifier" and "variable" confused.
I still don't know the difference between "parser" and "lexer". You get
the idea.

I like this idea.

Having a list in an NR appendix would be just fine with me.

However, it would be difficult to auto-generate a lot of this
documentation, because not all of it is defined in LilyPond's

grob - LilyPond
prob - LilyPond
smob - Guile
output-def - LilyPond
callback - Programming concept
simple-closure - Programming concept



+100, even for us translators.
I'm not very fond of acronyms anyway:
UNO is also an amazing card game;
ILO does mean for me Intercommunalité du Lubéron Oriental (nothing to deal with international);
a smob might be a Special Melange Of Beers;
and I'm sure I examinated the LM when I visited the Air and space Museum in Washington,DC some 25 years ago.

I do think that as long as some concept appear abbreviated or under the form of an acronym along the documentation, it is fair for the reader to index them in a dedicated place.


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