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Re: Question re title formatting

From: David Wright
Subject: Re: Question re title formatting
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2015 11:29:21 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

I've replied to the original post because it had a Reply-To which was
not honoured by most of the responses in the thread.

Quoting Karen Billings (address@hidden):

> I hate bothering the you all with a dumb question, but I've been wracking my
> brain with this for two hours.
> I am arranging a standard Latin setting for our Choir to use Sunday, and seem
> to be having trouble with something that worked before.
> I'm still working in 2.18.2
> My title information is 
> piece = "St. Thomas"
> title = "Pange, Lingua, Gloriosi"
> titleb = "(Hymn Setting)"
> composer = "John F. Wade, 1711-1786"
> meter = "87.87.87"
> arranger = "Thomas Aquinas, 1225-1274"
> My initial markup line is:
> \markup {
>   \column {
>     \fill-line { \large \bold \title } % title
>     \fill-line { \titleb }
>     \fill-line { \caps \piece               % piece
>         \caps \composer      % composer
>  }
>     \fill-line { \meter          % meter
>         \arranger           % arranger
>  }
>   }
> }
> For some reason, Lilypond incorporates the "meter" but ignores the
> "arranger"... Any ideas?

I notice you post here in HTML which made me wonder what you're using
to prepare your LP input files, and which platform you run LP on.

David Kastrup <address@hidden> writes:
> I suspect that the preceding line has a non-standard line ending, most
> likely just a CR or the line being wrapped by spaces rather than a
> proper line end.

At least on linux, CR is enough to terminate a line of LP, so the
latter is more likely, but see below.

Because you (KSB) post in HTML, I looked at your mail client's text
rendition. The email contains only 11 lines, and the two of interest


where I've replaced space characters with _ and:


where I've also replaced NBSP (non-breakable space) with +.

So it looks as if you've fooled your mail client and it wouldn't be
surprising if LP gets confused as well.

When we cut and paste from the email, we add another layer of decoding
by our own mail clients, of course, so it's almost impossible to know
what your LP is consuming with your attaching the actual LP file (or a
cut-down version), as Simon said.

On 03.10.2015 14:53, Brian Barker wrote:
> I think one can see from the rendering of the original enquiry in the
> archive at
> that
> something of this sort is indeed the case.

Displaying this in my browser adds yet another layer of mangling,
adding extra linebreaks in order to show a marginal menu. So I
downloaded this URL with wget and it does appear that the HTML code is
mangled in just the way required to provoke the error:

My initial markup line is:
\markup {  \column {    \fill-line { \large \bold \title } % title    
\fill-line { \titleb }    \fill-line { \caps \piece               % piece       
   \caps \composer      % composer   }    \fill-line { \meter          % meter  
        \arranger           % arranger   }  }}
For some reason, [...]

I then decoded the HTML in the email and looked at what lies between
"% meter" and "\arranger". Here it is, slightly edited (I shortened
the "id"s and replaced the NBSPs).

% meter</font></div><div id="yui37879" class=""><font face="lucida console, 
sans-serif" id="yui38389"><span class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;" 
id="yui37991">       </span>         \arranger

So that's a line-ending! And no trace of it in the text version of the
OP's email on the list.

Summarising my ideas:

. Be careful, when using tools that hide the real source code, not to
feed LP (or anything else) with the resulting presentation version.
. Please don't post HTML to technical forums. It only adds a layer of
. Your comments in the source, while useful in provoking the problem
so that you become aware of it, would best be removed as they add
nothing, being at the level of:
   total = total / 2 # Divide the total by 2.


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