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postscript orientation problem

From: Barrie Stott
Subject: postscript orientation problem
Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 17:13:57 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.0.1i

When lout produces a document in portrait mode, the origin is in the lower
left corner. However, when it's in landscape mode, the origin is on the top
left corner. What I am trying to do is get a lout document with several pages
on one sheet using pstops. Since I want to be able to deal with both portrait
and landscape documents, it would be very nice to have the origin in the same
place for both.

I found a way of doing this:

        @PageType { Other } @PageWidth { 29.7c } @PageHeight { 21c } for 
        @PageType { Other } @PageWidth { 21c } @PageHeight { 29.7c } for 

Everything worked well until it came time to print. Then, if a document was
really landscape, stuff was readable if the paper was viewed with the long
side vertical (as in portrait mode) but the top of the sheet was empty and the
right hand side of the text flowed off the right hand side of the paper.

I can obviously start afresh treating portrait and landscape separately but
that's a real pain. In fact I started that way in the first place and felt
that there had to be a better way.

If anyone knows how I can progress I'd be very pleased to hear about it.


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